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28 library_records found

Chuyên đề: Budget Search Result For: library_record

Kết quả lọc
  • Budget in brief fiscal year 2024

    The Law on Financial Management 2024 aims to support the implementation of the political platform and the Pentagonal Strategy-Phase 1 of the Royal Government of Cambodia,...

  • Draft law on financial management for 2024

    The draft financial law for management 2024 aims to support the implementation of the first phase of the Royal Government's political program and the pentagon strategy.

  • Five year implementation plan Phase 1 2021-2025

    The main purpose of preparing the “P51” document is to provide a clear roadmap for the basis for the preparation and implementation of the annual action plan and budget under...

  • Budget in brief fiscal year 2023

    The Law on Finance for Administration 2023 which is the latest year of the term of office of the Royal Government of the Sixth Legislature of the National Assembly, has been...

  • Public investment programme 3-year rolling 2010-2012

    Dữ liệu này không có mô tả

  • Budget In Brief Fiscal Year 2022

    The Budget In Brief Fiscal Year 2022 is designed to continue to protect the lives, restore the living standard of the people and recover the socio-economic development of...

  • Revenues and expenditures of municipal/ district administration (2020​ -​ ​2022)

    These budget books were attached to Prakas No. 1457 dated December 30, 2019 of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, which shown the revenue and expenditure management of the...

  • Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) Performance Assessment Report 2021

    Public Financial Management Reform Program (PFMRP) has been carried since 2004, to modernize its public financial management systems and practices. The Royal Government of...

  • Screen capture the report of actual revenue and expenditure of municipal/district /khan administration in the Kingdom of Cambodia (2015-2020)

    The report compares the actual revenue and expenditure with the estimated revenue and expenditure for a given period of time. The report also shows the deviation of the budget...

  • Budget in brief 2021

    This plan was designed in the context of the COVID-19 crisis using for managing the budget effectively and efficiently, maintaining socio-economic balance, improving people's...

  • Open Data Survey

    This survey report intends to formulate an up-to-date picture of available and emerging open data resources on the National Committee for Sub-national Democratic Development...

  • Survey on the status-quo of accessibility and understandability of the District/Municipality budgets

    The survey sought to generate evidence to bridge the information gap on how citizens, CSOs and District/Municipality staff and councilors understand, use and perceive...

  • Project implementation database

    This screenshot to save the website of project implementation database at the sub-national level in Cambodia.

  • Open Budget Survey 2015: Results for MYANMAR

    Dữ liệu này không có mô tả

  • Open Budget Survey 2015: Thailand

    Thailand’s score of 42 out of 100 is a little lower than the global average score of 45. Drawing on internationally accepted criteria developed by multilateral organizations,...

  • Information for citizen booklet on rights and standards, performance and budget

    Information for citizen booklet on rights and standards, performance budget shows citizens' right to improve services at commune level, people's right to access services at the...

  • Fiscal decentralization and national reconciliation in Myanmar - Key issues and avenues for reform

    This paper outlines the current form of fiscal and administrative decentralisation in Myanmar, and the associated priorities for reform. It subsequently goes on to explore the...

  • Myanmar Citizen's Budget (2016-2017)

    This citizen's budget was published in order to increase financial transparency that would lead to effective public finance management. This report is based on Amendment Law for...

  • Myanmar Citizen's Budget (2017-2018)

    This citizen's budget was published in order to increase financial transparency that would lead to effective public finance management. This report is based on Amendment Law for...

  • Gender Responsive Budgeting in the Lao PDR

    A presentation given by the NCAWMC providing analysis of the gender issues in the national budget and how to address shortcomings.

You can also access this registry using the Giao diện lập trình ứng dụng (see Văn bản API).