Company Search: Samnang Rer Thbong Thmor Co, Ltd
This screenshot document is about brief information for Samnang Rer Thbong Thmor Co, Ltd , registered in the ministry of commerce. The information includes the company's registr...
Oil and gas blocks in Cambodia (2007-2020)
This dataset describes the information of oil and gas in Cambodia from 2007 to 2020. The data was collected from many sources by ODC’s mappers such as government and NGO agency ...
Cambodian mining industry workshop webinar
This document provides an overview and inside of mining industry in Cambodia with the firsthand experience of establishing Cambodia's first commercial gold mine.
Inter-ministerial Prakas No.740 on the establishment of a mining fund to support local community development
This Prakas aims to establish a mining fund to support local community development (referred to as the "mining fund") under the management and administration of the Minister of ...
Decision No. 29 on setting of the sand business
This decision determines the exploitation of all types of sand within the framework of the Kingdom of Cambodia in order to protect the natural environment, both freshwater and m...
Prakas No. 228 on the business management of valuable metals and gemstones as jewelry
This Prakas aims to set the conditions for business management of precious metals and gemstones throughout the Kingdom of Cambodia. Precious metals and gemstones as jewelry are ...
Information series on public service of Ministry of Mines and Energy 2016
The Information Series on Public Service of the Ministry of Mines and Energy is a collection of materials produced by the ministry in 2016. It provides relevant information on v...
A brief guide to information on extractive industry revenue management in Cambodia
This guide aims to provide a collective picture of the availability of the information on Extractive Industry (EI) revenue management and therefore serve as a useful resource fo...
Project fact sheet: Tracking public revenues from extractive industries in Cambodia
The tracking public revenues from extractive industries in Cambodia project aims to enhance government accountability and increase awareness and public debate.
Increasing transparency in the extractive industries in Cambodia
This report analyzes the regulatory framework for the extractive industries in Cambodia. It uses several non-governmental sources to estimate the revenue amount that the governm...
Decision on the amendment of the petroleum regulation 1991
This decision reflects the amendment of the 1991 Cambodian Petroleum Regulations.
Dataset of mineral companies in Vietnam
Vietnam is rich in mineral resources of all kinds. Energy minerals, metallic minerals, industrial minerals and construction materials have contributed to making mining an import...
Extractive Industry Governance Forum (EIGF) :resources guide
This document indicates the Extractive Industry Governance Forum (EIGF) as a platform to promote multi-stakeholders approach in governance of this sector. The EIGF will gather a...
Announcement No. 010 from the Ministry of Mine and Energy to Director of Cambodian K88 Industry Co.,Ltd.
Ministry of Mines and Energy issued an announcement to Director of Cambodian K88 Industry Co.,Ltd. about the result of companies which were granted initial approval to carry out...
Towards better access to information on land and extractive industry concessions in Cambodia
This paper discusses accessibility for the public in Cambodia to information on concessions and the use of land held by public authorities. It also explores the means at their d...
[Draft] Completed environmental and social impact assessment (ESIA) on metal mining project in area of Phnom Prek, Phnom Prek District, Battambang Province
Phu Yang (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. plans to invest in a metal mining project in Phnom Prek Area, Phnom Prek District, Battambang Province on an area of 4 square kilometers. This repo...
Workshop report on extractive industrial and environmental data for better economy
The workshop on The Open of Extractive Industrial and Environmental Data for Better Economy, held on December 17th 2021 at Phnom Penh Era Hotel with a total of 46 participants, ...
Policy brief on extractive industrial and environmental data for better economy
This Policy Brief is the result of the discussions that took place at the Workshop on The Open Extractive Industrial and Environmental Data for Better Economy. The workshop aime...
Survey with small and medium enterprises on the perception of extractive industries in Cambodia
The overall objective of the study aims to obtain a better understanding of the perceptions of SME owners. The study focuses on whether these individuals believe new resource re...
Sub-Decree No. 72 on Management of Exploration and Industrial Mining License
This sub-decree aims to regulate exploration and mining industrial licenses in order to enhance efficiency, effectiveness, transparency, and high responsibility for environmenta...