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Coronavirus data in Vietnam

As the Coronavirus (COVID-19) develops in Vietnam, the ODV team will be updating datasets sourced from government (or provided to us) to present data and information visually through this interactive map. The pandemic crisis will affect many aspects of life in Vietnam and so the number of datasets presented here may increase.

To deactivate or activate the map layers select the 'square' box to the left of the layer, you can then zoom in and out and select any feature in the map to be provided with additional information. All datasets are available to download from our datahub, just select 'download'.

Using the filter options for the table you can select to narrow your search of Center for COVID-19 test and pandemic prevention, control station in Vietnam.

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As the Coronavirus (COVID-19) develops in Vietnam, the ODV team will be updating datasets sourced from government (or provided to us) to present data and information visually through this interactive map. The pandemic crisis will affect many aspects of life in Vietnam and so the number of datasets presented here may increase.

To deactivate or activate the map layers select the 'square' box to the left of the layer, you can then zoom in and out and select any feature in the map to be provided with additional information. All datasets are available to download from our datahub, just select 'download'.


Using the filter options for the table you can select to narrow your search of Center for COVID-19 test and pandemic prevention, control station in Vietnam.

  • Viet Nam
CSV Resource id 100d98c8-4ffc-4b5b-b2a5-c6b71d2eff66
Date uploaded April 24, 2020, 6:16 AM (UTC+00:00)
Date modified May 5, 2020, 10:44 AM (UTC+00:00)