Freedom of Expression in Cambodia: The Illusion of Democracy
This report is a collection of stories about the current state of freedom of expression in Cambodia. The people in these stories hail from every corner of Cambodia, and come fro...
Formalizing inequality: Land titling in Cambodia
This paper highlights the failure of the Cambodia's land titling programme to protect the rights of vulnerable people living on sought-after land in the Heart of Phnom Penh, Boe...
Final Report on Compliance Review Panel Request No. 2012/2 on the Greater Mekong Subregion Rehabilitation of the Railway Project in the Kingdom of Cambodia
This report was prepared by the Compliance Review Panel (CRP) in response to a request for compliance review of the Greater Mekong Subregion: Rehabilitation of the Railway in Ca...
Cambodia 2013 human rights report
Cambodia is a constitutional monarchy with an elected parliamentary form of government. In the most recent national elections held July 28, the Cambodian People’s Party (CPP) wo...
Best practices for using social media for human rights
The purpose of this booklet is to provide an overview of best practices with regards to use of social media for human rights-related work.The booklet highlig...
Attacks & threats against human rights defenders in Cambodia 2006
This briefing paper offers an analysis of the increasing threats to human rights defenders in Cambodia between January and October 2006. The paper is based on investigations and...
An examination of policies promoting large-scale investments in farmland in Cambodia
The article aims to capture the status quo, more than ten years after the adoption of a new Land Law and almost seven years after the promulgation of the relevant Sub-Decree on ...
Advocacy handbook: A practical guide to increasing democracy in Cambodia
The goal of this guide is to provide practical information on strategies and techniques for current and future advocates. It also can be used to educate those interested in advo...
Power in People: Cambodia ActionAid Strategy Paper 2013-2018
From 2013 to 2018 ActionAid is committed to advancing three strategic objectives and delivering on ten change promises. Each of their objectives falls under the banner of their ...
Freedoms of expression, association and assembly: A shrinking space
This is a fact-finding report that was conducted by Human Rights Delegations in compose of International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and the World Organization Against To...
Housing and land rights issues in Cambodia: Annex to Parallel Report submitted to the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
This document is prepared as an Annex to the Parallel Report and focuses on land and housing rights issues. Violations of housing and land rights are widely viewed as the major ...
2014 Trafficking in Persons Report: Thailand
Thailand (Tier 3*) is a source, destination, and transit country for men, women, and children subjected to forced labor and sex trafficking. Victims from neighboring countries, ...
We Fight to Protect Our Home: Reprisals Against Environmental Defenders in Loei Province, Thailand
Fortify Rights conducted a three-year investigation into the attack, reprisals, and judicial harassment against KRBKG and environmental defenders in Wang Sa Phung District, Loei...
Briefing Note on Business and Human Rights: Preventing, Mitigating and Remedying Land-Related Rights Violations in the Kingdom of Cambodia
The purpose of this Briefing Note is to identify key issues pertaining to business human rights in Cambodia through the analysis of three land-related conflicts, and to propose ...
The Grand Theft of Dey Krahorm
The Grand Theft of Dey Krahorm, one of chapters in a Land Research Action Network publication on Land Struggles, tells the story of Dey Krahorm’s vital struggle to keep their co...
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) is a milestone document in the history of human rights. Drafted by representatives with different legal and cultural backgrounds...
The human right to water and sanitation
Recognizes the right to safe and clean drinking water and sanitation as a human right that is essential for the full enjoyment of life and all human rights.
The rights and duties of the village in the use of land and natural resources
The rights and duties of the village in the use of land and natural resources
Decree on the Organization and Functioning of the National Steering Committee Against Human Trafficking No. 156 / April 08, 2008
Decree on the organization and functioning of the national steering committee against human trafficking No. 156 / April 08, 2008
Decree on the Adoption and Promulgation of the National Program Against Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children, No 160, September 15, 2008
Decree on the Adoption and Promulgation of the National Program Against Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children, No 160, September 15, 2008