Data quality and timeliness of outbreak reporting system among countries in Greater Mekong subregion: Challenges for international data sharing
Cross-border disease transmission is a key challenge for prevention and control of out- breaks. Variation in surveillance structure and national guidelines used in different cou...
Climate change knowledge portal
In an effort to serve as the hub for climate-related information, data, and tools, the World Bank (WB) created the Climate Change Knowledge Portal (CCKP). The Portal provides an...
State of the Basin report 2018
This State of the Basin Report 2018 assesses conditions within the Mekong basin and the impacts, both positive and negative, that developments and use of the water and related n...
Climate and health country profiles 2015: a global overview
To protect health from risks derived from climate change, decision-makers (going from national leaders to individual citizens) need access to the best information possible on th...
Gender, Climate Change and Health
There is now strong evidence that the earth’s climate is changing rapidly, mainly due to human activities. Increasing temperatures, sea-level rises, changing patterns of precipi...
Climate change and health in the Western Pacific Region : synthesis of evidence, profiles of selected countries and policy direction
This report synthesizes information and approaches on climate change and health pertinent to Member States in the Western Pacific Region. It also examines efforts and initiative...
Data and tools to integrate climate and environmental information into public health
During the last 30 years, the development of geographical information systems and satellites for Earth observation has made important progress in the monitoring of the weather, ...
WHO Executive Board, 144: Health, environment and climate change: draft WHO global strategy on health, environment and climate change
This draft strategy aims to provide a vision and way forward on how the world and its health community need to respond to environmental health risks and challenges until 2030, a...
WHO Executive Board 142: Health, environment and climate change Report by the Director-General
This is a report by the Director-General on actions taken on the interlinkages between human health and biodiversity, for consideration by the Seventy-first World Health Assembl...
Preventing disease through healthy environments: a global assessment of the burden of disease from environmental risks
this report presents a wide-ranging assessment and detailed ndings to show by how much and in what ways improving the environment can promote health and well-being. The realiza...
Cambodia Climate and Health Country Profile 2015
The profiles gives a snapshot about the current and future impacts of climate change on human health in Cambodia. It discusses Cambodia's current status regarding climate change...
Development and Climate Change in the Mekong Region
The countries of the Mekong Region have mostly continued in their path of rapid economic growth and increasing regional economic integration. However, poverty and social inequal...
Climate-resilient water safety plans: managing health risks associated with climate variability and change
Long-term planning for an adequate and safe supply of drinking-water should be set in the context of growing external uncertainties arising from changes in the climate and envir...
Dengue increase likely during rainy season: WHO warns
Several Asian countries are experiencing unusually high numbers of dengue cases for this time of year. With the rainy season approaching, the World Health Organization (WHO) is ...
WHO scales up response to worldwide surge in dengue
An article on the recent increase in dengue fever cases by WHO. It gives an overview on the current situation and how WHO is responding to it.
Global expansion and redistribution of Aedes- borne virus transmission risk with climate change
The established scientific consensus indicates that climate change will severely exacerbate the risk and burden of Aedes-transmitted viruses, including dengue, chikungunya, Zika...
2019 Global Hunger Index: The Challenge of Hunger and Climate Change
The 2019 Global Hunger Index (GHI) shows that while the world has made gradual progress in reducing hunger on a global scale since 2000, this progress has been uneven. Hunger pe...
Readiness Preparation Proposal (R-PP) for Thailand (Revised)
The need for a multi-sectoral approach to REDD+ is recognized by Thailand’s Government. The government has put in place an institutional arrangement/management structure that re...
Myanmar Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan (MCCSAP) 2016–2030
The Myanmar Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan (MCCSAP) presents a roadmap to guide Myanmar’s strategic responses and actions to climate-related risks and opportunities ove...
Lao PDR: Climate and Health Country Profile 2015
The profiles provide a snapshot of information about the current and future impacts of climate change on human health, current policy responses in Lao PDR. They also highlight t...