Millions face job loss as employment market feels COVID-19 effects
This is a web archive describing COVID-19 impacts on Vietnam labour market in multiple sectors
Viet Nam can well address labour market challenges
This is an archived webpage describing Vietnam's labour market situation with reference to COVID-19.
Vietnam's Future Jobs : Leveraging Mega-Trends for Greater Prosperity : Main Report
Vietnam's 50 million jobs are a cornerstone of its economic success. The transformation toward services and manufacturing, and impressive labor productivity and wage growth led ...
Labor migration in the greater Mekong sub-region - synthesis report : phase 1
Migration has been occurring in the GMS for centuries, largely in an informal and unregulated fashion. The GMS Labor Migration program, launched in June 2005 as part of the Worl...
National profile on occupational safety and health Myanmar
A national profile on occupational safety and health in Myanmar, published by the Labor Ministry's factories and general labor laws inspection department, Myanmar.
Labor and employment regulatory framework in Myanmar
An analysis by William D. Greenlee, Jr. on labor and employment regulatory framework in Myanmar. Published in Yangon, Myanmar, by the American Chamber of Commerce in Thailand, 2...
Myanmar labor force, child labor and school to work transition survey 2015 Executive summary report
The Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security and the Central Statistical Organization of Myanmar conducted a labour force, child labour and school-to-work transition s...
The 2014 Myanmar Population and Housing Census: Thematic Report on Labour Force
In recent years, Myanmar has gone through some unique historical developments. The political and policy changes that have taken place will have a profound effect on the country’...
Integrated household living conditions survey in Myanmar (2009-2010), poverty profile
This report presents the findings of the Integrated Household Living Conditions Assessment (IHLCA) 2009-2010. The data collection process is first outlined. Data and discussion ...
Decent Work Country Programme for Lao PDR 2017-2021
This 2017-2021 Decent Work Country Programme (DWCP) for the Lao Peoples Democratic Republic (Lao PDR) provides a five-year framework for cooperation between the International La...
FAOSTAT country profile - Myanmar
A profile of Myanmar by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Data is provided on economic indicators; food, nutrition and food security; population and l...
The Basic Rules Of Employment In Laos: Updates to the Lao Labour Law
This webpage explains the changes that were made to the 2006 Labor Law, thereby replacing it with the 2013 Labor Law.
The Global Human Capital Report 2017
This report summarizes the Global Human Capital Index 2017, what's used to measure it, and results.
Notice on Minimum Wage 2018
Notice on minimum wage increase from 900,000 to 1,100,000 kip effective from May 1, 2018.
The World Bank in Lao PDR: Overview
The webpage provides an overview of the state of social development in Lao PDR.
ASEAN Statistical Yearbook 2018
The ASEAN Statistical Yearbook 2018 is the fourteenth issue of the publication, since the series started in 2001. Prepared by the Statistics Division of the ASEAN Secretariat, t...
Adolescent and Youth Situation Analysis Lao People’s Democratic Republic “Investing in young people is investing in the future”
This report provides an overview of adolescents and youth in Lao PDR in areas like education, health, employment, and protection.
Blood bricks: untold stories of modern slavery and climate change from Cambodia
This report tells ten untold stories of modern slavery and climate change. The report reinforces why decent work is a powerful protection against contemporary forms of slavery: ...
The Global Talent Competitiveness Index 2018
As a technology business connecting our clients and their customers throughout the world, we thrive on diversity in all its forms. It is the lifeblood that flows through the tea...
FDI sector faces shortage of skilled labour
Webpage indicates that Vietnam is suffering from shortage of skilled labour, thus impacting FDI.