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Topics: Environmental and biodiversity protection

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  • Aichi Biodiversity Targets

    A summary of the Aichi Biodiversity Targets, and their associated indicators

  • How this whale got nearly 20 pounds of plastic in its stomach

    National Geographic Piece under the Planet or Plastic series. Article summary: Eighty shopping bags and other plastic debris clogged the animal’s stomach, making it unable to eat.

  • Criminal justice response to wildlife crime in Thailand A Rapid Assessment

    Thailand is a country rich in biological diversity, and home to unique and rare species of flora and fauna including the iconic tiger and Asian elephant. In Thailand – as elsewh...

  • Water Security Index Concept: Thailand's Water Security Situation in the Context of the World

    During RIO+20 meeting, the sustainable green economy for protecting environmental health via income increasing and poor eradication were discussed. The successful countries for ...

  • Factors affecting forest area changes in Cambodia: An econometric approach (presentation)

    A presentation summarising quantitative research into the main factors affecting deforestation in Cambodia. The presenters describe forest cover changes in Cambodia. They then o...

  • IUCN Red List of Threatened Species

    About Introduction The IUCN Species Programme working with the IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC) has been assessing the conservation status of species, subspecies, variet...

  • Biodiversity and Protected Areas Lao PDR

    An overview of protected areas and biodiversity initiatives in Laos, including potential obstacles to implementation and success.

  • Provincial Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan Xieng Khouang Province

    The provincial level strategy for protecting biodiversity and handling related economic issues for the Xieng Khouang province.

  • Lao PDR, SDG15: Life on Land

    An overview of the implementation of SDG15: Life on Land in LAos.

  • Lao PDR environment monitor

    The Lao Environment Monitor is the first of a series of monitors presenting a snapshot of environmental status and key trends and challenges in Lao PDR.

  • Consuming the future: The real status of biodiversity in Lao PDR

    A review of biodiversity in Laos, including comparing perceptions and realities, two case studies, and details of threats to biodiversity.

  • Marketing and domestication of NTFPs in north Phonsali three districts

    Elimination of opium production, Reduction of drug abuse through alternative development, demand reduction and law enforcement, Integration of the target areas into the mainstre...

  • Forestry sector development report for 2006/07 (draft)

    The 2006/07 forestry sector development report is prepared for the 1st Stakeholder Consultation on Implementation of the Forestry Strategy 2020 in November 2007. It aims to prov...

  • Twenty-fourth report of the international environment and social panel of experts

    This is the Twenty-Fourth Report of the International Panel of Environmental and Social Experts for the Nam Theun 2 (NT2) Multipurpose Project in Lao PDR (POE).

  • Measures to protect the environment and society 28 things 2009

    Measures to protect the environment and society 28 things 2009

  • Decree on the implementation of the Law on Environmental Protection No. 102 / Nguyen Vieng, June 4, 2001

    Decree on the implementation of the Law on Environmental Protection No. 102 / Nguyen Vieng, June 4, 2001

  • Resolution of the National Assembly of the Lao People's Democratic Republic on the adoption of the Law on Environmental Protection No. 02/99 / SRS, 3/4/1999

    Resolution of the National Assembly of the Lao People's Democratic Republic on the adoption of the Law on Environmental Protection No. 02/99 / SRS, 3/4/1999

  • Ecosystem Profile: Indo-Burma Biodiversity Hotspot

    This document represents the ecosystem profile for the Indo-Burma Hotspot, whichcomprises all non-marine parts of Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam, plus parts of...

  • Musa serpentina (Musaceae): a new banana species from western border of Thailand

    Musa serpentina Swangpol & Somana, a new species from Thailand in areas bordering Myanmar is described and illustrated. A key is given to the wild bananas of the area

  • Biodiversity assessment of the Mekong River in northern Lao PDR: A follow up study

    The follow-up scoping survey presented in this report builds on the first rapid biodiversity scoping study of the upper stretches of the Mekong conducted in February 2003. It is...

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