Final report of Cambodia inter-censal population survey 2024
The primary objective of the 2024 Inter-Censal Survey in the kingdom of Cambodia (CIPS 2024) is to meet the needs of the Royal Government and other relevant institutions. Users ...
ASEAN Statistical Yearbook 2022
The ASEAN Statistical Yearbook 2022 provides a detail overview of a wide range of statistical areas across ASEAN including population, education, health, employment, macroeconom...
ASEAN Statistical Yearbook 2021
The ASEAN Statistical Yearbook 2021 covers data for the period of 2011-2020 comprising of sections on ASEAN population, education, health, employment, macroeconomic performance,...
Population projections for Cambodia, 2008-2030
This report includes three sets of population projections by age and sex: national, urban-rural and provincial. It provides projections in five-year increments from a base popul...
General population census of the Kingdom of Cambodia 2019 national report on final census results
The general population census of Cambodia of 2019 was conducted, as planned, by the National Institute of Statistics. This census is the fourth in a series of national censuses,...
Web capture of IDpoor in Cambodia website
The IDPoor Programme, established in 2006 within the Ministry of Planning, is part of the Royal Government of Cambodia’s ongoing efforts to reduce poverty and support socio-econ...
The 2014 Myanmar Population and Housing Census: Thematic Report on the Older Population
Understanding population ageing is important because of the potential effects on the economic development of the country. The 2014 Census, the first in the country for 30 years,...
The 2014 Myanmar Population and Housing Census: Thematic Report on Fertility and Nuptiality
This dataset has no description
2014 Myanmar Population and Housing Census: Figures at a Glance
This library records contain figures at a glance of 2014 Myanmar Population and Housing Census at Union, State/Region level.
The 2014 Myanmar Population and Housing Census: Thegon Township Report
This report details population and socioeconomic statistics of Thegon township. This report is a series of Township level reports published as part of the 2014 Population and Ho...
The 2014 Myanmar Population and Housing Census: Thazi Township Report
This report details population and socioeconomic statistics of Thazi township. This report is a series of Township level reports published as part of the 2014 Population and Hou...
The 2014 Myanmar Population and Housing Census: Thayetchaung Township Report
This report details population and socioeconomic statistics of Thayetchaung township. This report is a series of Township level reports published as part of the 2014 Population ...
The 2014 Myanmar Population and Housing Census: Thingangyun Township Report
This report details population and socioeconomic statistics of Thingangyun township. This report is a series of Township level reports published as part of the 2014 Population a...
The 2014 Myanmar Population and Housing Census: Thongwa Township Report
This report details population and socioeconomic statistics of Thongwa township. This report is a series of Township level reports published as part of the 2014 Population and H...
The 2014 Myanmar Population and Housing Census: Tigyaing Township Report
This report details population and socioeconomic statistics of Tigyaing township. This report is a series of Township level reports published as part of the 2014 Population and ...
The 2014 Myanmar Population and Housing Census: Tilin Township Report
This report details population and socioeconomic statistics of Tilin township. This report is a series of Township level reports published as part of the 2014 Population and Hou...
The 2014 Myanmar Population and Housing Census: Tsawlaw Township Report
This report details population and socioeconomic statistics of Tsawlaw township. This report is a series of Township level reports published as part of the 2014 Population and H...
The 2014 Myanmar Population and Housing Census: Toungup Township Report
This report details population and socioeconomic statistics of Toungup township. This report is a series of Township level reports published as part of the 2014 Population and H...
The 2014 Myanmar Population and Housing Census: Tonzang Township
This report details population and socioeconomic statistics of Tonzang township. This report is a series of Township level reports published as part of the 2014 Population and H...
The 2014 Myanmar Population and Housing Census: Thayet Township Report
This report details population and socioeconomic statistics of Thayet township. This report is a series of Township level reports published as part of the 2014 Population and Ho...