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Topics: Small and medium enterprises SME

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  • Strengthening digital skills for small and medium enterprises in Cambodia

    This guidebook is an essential resource for SMEs across various sectors, helping them enhance business management through digital marketing. It provides insights on developing e...

  • Guidebook on the application process for permits or electronic commercial licenses on the information technology platform

    This guidebook on the application process for permits or electronic commercial licenses on the information technology platform aims to provide general information related to e-c...

  • Project fact sheet: Strengthening informal economies and SMEs in Cambodia through open data and digital literacy

    This project will empower members of informal economies like women and indigenous peoples (IPs) with enhanced digital rights, budget literacy, and policy training to understand ...

  • White paper on universal trusted credentials: Transforming access to finance for MSMEs and beyond

    This report outlines the transformative potential of UTCs and describes the UTC framework, potential use cases, coordination structures, recommended policies, and modes of engag...

  • Research study into the impact of new digital and technology laws on small-midsized enterprises (SMEs)

    Open Development Cambodia Organization (ODC) collaborated with William & Mary Law School in the United States to conduct a research study into the impact of new digital and tech...

  • YEAC Members Directory 2023

    YEAC Members Directory 2023 highlights profiles of businesses across 23 sectors, as well as profiles of business owners who are members of the Young Entrepreneurs Association of...

  • Joint press release on the launching of the five functions to update business information on the online business registration platform

    The five functions officially introduced on the online business registration platform to update business information include 1) Update Business Address, 2) Update Business Terms...

  • Joint press release on new functions on the online business registration platform

    The Online Business Registration Platform has introduced three additional functions to enhance the convenience and overall user experience of business registration.

  • Enterprises go digital program

    Digital Economy and Business Committee launches "Digital Development Program" Enterprise "aims to encourage enterprises at all levels to become active agents in the digital econ...

  • National strategy for informal economic development 2023-2028

    The Royal Government of Cambodia has adopted the national strategy with the objectives of promoting protection and strengthening the ability, productivity, and resilience of the...

  • Survey with small and medium enterprises on the perception of extractive industries in Cambodia

    The overall objective of the study aims to obtain a better understanding of the perceptions of SME owners. The study focuses on whether these individuals believe new resource re...

  • SME internationalization in Cambodia: Studying on barriers and mapping of supporting service providers

    Small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) development is a key priority in the strategy of the ASEAN countries, including Cambodia. SMEs play an essential role in Cambodia’s econo...

  • Myanmar Enterprise Survey 2014: Early Findings

    The World Bank Group's Enterprise Survey in Myanmar finds that reforms of the country’s investment climate are urgent across a number of areas, especially access to finance, lan...

  • 2016 Lao PDR Enterprise Survey : Country Highlights

    The World Bank Group conducted face-to-face interviews with top managers and business owners of 368 enterprises in Lao PDR from January 2016 through June 2016. The Enterprise Su...

  • Laos resource mapping and farmer input market studies

    This study is the first attempt to provide background information on the bamboo sector in Laos in general, and in Houaphan and Xiengkhouang Province in particular. Furthermore w...

  • Asia SME Finance Monitor 2014

    The ASM reviews various aspects of SME finance within different countries. These aspects include the banking sector, nonbank sector, and capital markets. The main objectives of ...

  • A chance in Myanmar induced by the minimum wage policy in Thailand, a case study of Myawaddy industrial area

    This paper discusses the possible effects of Thailand’s minimum wage rise on the industrial area located inside the Myanmar border. The authors compare this to the maquila progr...

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