The Chinese worker goes abroad
This issue challenges the prejudices of Chinese workers and provides some glimpses into the subjectivities and the plight of Chinese workers toiling abroad today.
Investing in Cambodia
This dataset has no description
Digital solutions and innovation for better public services through the implementation of the social accountability framework: stakeholder mapping
This document provides brief information of projects which use innovation to improve public service delivery and promote social accountability in Cambodia.
National report on census of agriculture 2013
The National Report on the Final Results of the Census of Agriculture in Cambodia (CAC) 2013 contains figures on the number of households engaged in agricultural activi...
Contact numbers of the fourteen inspection de la police khan
The Commissariat of Phnom Penh Municipal Police has published brochures providing telephone numbers for people to contact when facing problems, including the contact numbers of ...
U4: Supporting Civil Society During the Covid-19 Pandemic
There are significant corruption risks during times of crisis. Civil society has an important role to play in ensuring funds to tackle the Covid-19 pandemic reach their destinat...
Luangprabang Special Economic Zone
The profile information about Luangprabang Special Economic Zone of Laos
List of Special Economic Zones in Laos PDR, Investment Promotion Department
A list of 11 special economic zones in Laos.
Poverty in Lao PDR Key findings from the Lao Expenditure and Consumption Survey 2018-2019
The Lao Expenditure and Consumption Survey (LECS) have been conducted at five-year intervals since 1992/1993. This brief summarizes key findings from LECS 6. It provides updated...
CFS Principles for Responsible Investment in Agriculture and Food Systems, First Draft (For Negotiation)
This booklet is an infographic guideline summary of the draft on CFS Principles for Responsible Investment in Agriculture and Food Systems aiming to promote the provision of tec...
CARE Rapid Gender Analysis COVID-19 Lao P.D.R (July 2020)
This analysis report explains the fact of gender roles, relations and norms within lao society of the measures such as lockdown, closure of school, social distancing, and travel...
The Impacts of Hydropower Dams in the Mekong River Basin: A Review
This paper explores the social and environmental impacts of several Mekong basin hydropower dams and groupings of dams and the geographies of their impacts; the examination of t...
Women and Land Rights in Lao PDR (June 2020)
This report presents the status of practicing women's land rights through both formal and customary systems and their relations intertwine. women's knowledge about their own lan...
Government notice on continued implementation of measures to mitigate, control, prevent and remedy the outbreak of COVID-19, 23 Dec -31 Jan 2021
Measures that are effective from 23 December 2020 to 31 January 2021
U4: Harnessing the Power of Communities Against Corruption
Ignorance, apathy and disempowerment are recurring drivers of impunity. Social accountability, on its part, aims to empower citizens with information and provide effective chann...
Education in Cambodia findings from Cambodia's experience in PISA for Development
This report describes the results achieved by students, the resources invested in education system, and the learning environments in schools and communities, in ways that allo...
An assessment of early grade teaching quality in Cambodia
This assessment report identifies priority quality Teaching and Learning in School (QTLS) interventions to address the “learning crisis” in relation to Cambodia, and improve lea...
Summative GPE country program evaluation, batch 5, country 14: Kingdom of Cambodia
This evaluation is part of a larger study of the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) that comprises 30 country level evaluations (CLEs). The overall study runs from 2017 unti...
Global burden of disease study 2019 (GBD 2019) results
On the website of Global Health Data Exchange, there is a tool used to show the result of Global Burden of Disease Study Results which contain complex data related to the health...
Databank: World development indicators
World Development Indicators (WDI) is the primary World Bank collection of development indicators, compiled from officially recognized international sources. This database conta...