Water treatment plant of Phnom Penh Water Supply Authority
This web archived were stored to show the current 4 water treatment plants of Phnom Penh Water Supply Authority with a total capacity of 592 thousand cubic meters / day.
Corruption Perception Index 2019 (Worldwide Ranking)
The CPI scores and ranks countries/territories based on how corrupt a country’s public sector is perceived to be by experts and business executives. It is a composite index, a c...
U4: Using Legal Empowerment to Curb Corruption and Advance Accountability
Legal empowerment refers to the use of laws and rights to increase relatively powerless populations’ control over their lives. A growing field, it overlaps with social accountab...
Citizen Participation in Vietnam's Local Government: Impact on Transparency and Accountability
This article conceptualizes the concepts of Citizen Participation, Transparency, and Accountability in Vietnam. In the contested debates of the link between citizen participatio...
Promoting Civic Participation in Vietnam: The Case of the New Rural Program in a District of Ho Chi Minh City
The government of Vietnam has implemented “the National Target Program on New Rural Development” for the period 2010–2020. The New Rural Development Program was launched in 2008...
Southeast Asian Legal Research Guide: Regional & Comparative Resources
This Guide will help you research the legal systems of the 10 South East Asian nations that comprise The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) - Brunei Darussalam, Camb...
Southeast Asian Legal Research Guide: Introduction to Brunei & its Legal System
Brunei’s legal system is based on British common law, with a parallel Syariah law system for Muslims, which supersedes the common law system in areas such as family and property...
Southeast Asian Legal Research Guide: Introduction to Cambodia & its Legal System
The Cambodian legal system is based largely on the French civil system, and is statute based. The Constitution is the Supreme Law. The legal system has evolved from unwritten cu...
Southeast Asian Legal Research Guide: Introduction to Indonesia & its Legal system
Indonesia has a civil law system based on the Roman-Dutch model. The Dutch colonial occupation of Indonesia for 350 years left a legacy of Dutch colonial law, which is reflected...
Southeast Asian Legal Research Guide: Introduction to Lao PDR & its Legal System
Laos inherited a typical civil law-based legal system from the French colonial administrators. The original civil codes took Lao customary law into account. After independence, ...
Southeast Asian Legal Research Guide: Introduction to Malaysia and its Legal System
The Malaysian legal system is a complex product of its history, particularly as a British colony. It is a predominantly common law country, with a separate Islamic law system.
Southeast Asian Legal Research Guide: Introduction to the Philippines & its Legal System
The Philippine legal system is a mixture of customary usage, Roman (civil law) and Anglo-American (common law) systems, and Islamic law. The legal system is the result of the im...
Southeast Asian Legal Research Guide: Introduction to Singapore and its Legal System
Singapore has a common law legal system as a result of its colonial past as part of the British empire. The influence of the English common law on the development of Singapore l...
Southeast Asian Legal Research Guide: Introduction to Thailand & its Legal System
Thailand has a predominantly civil law legal system, but it is a hybrid of many influences.Thai law has its traditional bases in ancient Hindu Code of Manu, modified to conform ...
Southeast Asian Legal Research Guide: Introduction to Vietnam & its Legal System
Vietnam has had a single, unified legal system since 1975. Vietnam's socialist legal system is influenced by eastern and western legal traditions, the French civil law system, a...
Fighting Corruption with ICT: Strengthening Civil Society’s Role
In a Word With information and communication technology, civil society plays an increasing role in governance, promoting transparency and accountability to tackle corruption. De...
Social Innovation in Digital Democracy Era: Towards Synergies between Citizens and Governments
The examples of Digital Democracy Social Innovations may take the form of joint projects which involve CSOs or other non-governmental groups and representatives of governments, ...
The Relationship between Press Freedom and Corruption: The Perception of Journalism Students
‘Without journalists working all over the world, we hardly would be able to expose corruption’, one employee at Transparency International (TI) says, addressing one of the bigge...
The Role of Media and Investigative Journalism in Combating Corruption
The media and investigative journalism play a crucial role in bringing allegations of corruption to light and fighting against impunity. International consortiums of investigati...
U4: Procedural Fairness for Curbing Corruption: Taking Bureaucratic Decision-Making Out of the Shadows
The wide discretionary powers of bureaucrats can undermine their impartiality, and result in decisions being made that are tainted by bias or have violated due process. Such opp...