China and the Geopolitics of the Mekong River Basin
This is an archived webpage of an article on the geopolitics of the Mekong River.
A brief history of Lancang-Mekong cooperation
This is an archived webpage showing the history of Lancang Mekong Cooperation.
MRC: Basin Planning
This is an archived webpage discussing MRC's approach to basin planning.
Tackling Illegal Logging, Deforestation and Forest Degradation: An Agenda for EU Action
This briefing note is the contribution of a group of non-governmental organisations to the policy debate related to the evaluation of the European Union Forest Law Enforcement, ...
Framework for Assessing Legality of Forestry Operations, Timber Processing and Trade Annex
This publication is produced by TRAFFIC and WWF's Global Forest and Trade Network.
The Parallel Evolution of REDD+ and FLEGT for Improving Forest Governance
This presentation is from an expert exchange on the implementation of FLEGT and REDD+ in October 2018. It is an introductory presentation to create a common understanding of FLE...
Synergies Among Social Safeguards in FLEGT and REDD+ in Cameroon
This paper presents (i) a comparison of the social safeguards of the FLEGT-VPA and REDD+ processes and an explanation of their commonalities and differences, and (ii) an explora...
Coping with resettlement: A livelihood adaptation analysis in the Mekong River basin
A major driver of change in the Mekong River basin relates to hydropower development and the consequent changes in landscape and natural resource access regime that it induces. ...
Thai flood 2011 : rapid assessment for resilient recovery and reconstruction planning : Overview (English)
This report outlines these findings, including damage and loss estimates and social and economic impacts, and proposes strategies for resilient recovery and reconstruction plann...
Assessing the global distribution of river fisheries harvest: a systematic map protocol
Although surface freshwater comprises < 0.01% of the total water volume of earth, freshwater inland capture fisheries and aquaculture represent 40% of the global reported finfis...
The Mekong River Commission: Does it work, and how does the Mekong Basin’s geography influence its effectiveness?
This article assesses the effectiveness of the Mekong River Commission, its impact on the policies of its members, Thailand, Lao PDR, Cambodia and Viet Nam, and their engagement...
Reading Between the Lines How Politics, Money & Fear Control Cambodia's Media
This report focuses on the news media of Cambodia - television and radio stations, newspapers and, to a limited extent, the Internet. It will look at the media from a human righ...
Report of the Second Citizen Satisfaction Survey in Target Communes of the LAAR Project
The Second Citizen Satisfaction Survey follows a baseline survey carried out in 2008. The objectives of the survey were (1) to measure changes since the baseline in citizen perc...
Vietname's Future Digital Economy: Towards 2030 and 2045
A new report examines the trends affecting the development in Vietnam’s digital economy until 2045. The next wave of digital technologies – artificial intelligence, blockchain, ...
The role of customary law and practices in forest and water resources management and use
The study of customary law in forest and water resources management and use of the Thai ethnic group (Thai Den group) was conducted in Muong Phang commune, Dien Bien Phu city, D...
Vietnam Rice, Farmers and Rural Development: From Successful Growth to Sustainable Prosperity
This report includes a series of research project on Vietnam's rice production and policies: 1. Moving the Goal Posts: Vietnam’s Evolving Rice Balance and Other Food Security ...
Well begun but not yet done : progress and emerging challenges for poverty reduction in Vietnam
This poverty assessment, presented in this book, takes a fresh look at the lives of poor men, women, and children and explores the constraints and opportunities they face in ris...
Program participation in a targeted land distribution program and household outcomes: evidence from Vietnam
The authors estimates whether a land reform program led to higher incomes for ethnic minority households. In 2002, in the Central Highlands of Vietnam, Program 132 directed the ...
Agriculture and forestry export in 2005 is targeted to reach 4.5 billion USD
This is a web archived describing Vietnam agriculture and forestry export performance in 2004 and estimation for 2005
Vietnam approves $2.6 billion support package for Covid-19 crisis victims
This is an archived webpage describing Vietnam government's supports for the victims of COVID-19.