Securing Cambodia’s future food, energy and natural resources
This is a welcome remark of H.E Dr Sok Siphana on annual outlook Conference that organized by CDRI and ANZ Royal Bank to bring leaders across Cambodia public life to consider Ca...
Announcement: Angkor Gold Corp. becomes Angkor Resources Corp.
On 04 September 2019, Angkor Gold Corp. issued on announcement that the company would change its name from Angkor Gold Corp. to Angkor Resources Corp.
Investing in the next generation: Growing tall and smart with toilets
Open defecation within a community harms the physical and cognitive development of children, even children living in households that use toilets themselves. Frequently digesting...
2015 Progress Report: United Nations Development Assistance Framework in Lao PDR
This report covers key development trends and results achieved under the UN Development Assistance Framework 2012-2016, as well as challenges, lessons learned and way forward. T...
Goal 4: Quality Education
This is an official UN page showing the overall information on SDG 4 Targets and Progress.
Sustainable Development Goal 4
This is an official SDG page on SDG 4 yearly Progress and Targets
Lao PDR Education and Sports Sector Development Plan (2016-2020)
This Education Sector Development Plan (ESDP) for 2016-2020 draws on the achievements, challenges and lessons learned from the Education Sector Development Plan 2011-20...
Directory of Cambodian Non-Government Organizations (CNGOs) 2006-2007
The Directory of Cambodian NGOs (2006-2007) contains organizational profiles of 220 local non-government organizations registered and active in Cambodia. This edition also inclu...
Scorecard of the implementation of Cambodia Millennium Development Goals (CMDG) at sub-national levels by capital, provinces, municipalities, districts, khans in year 2012
The Working Group of Decentralization and Deconcentration and Sethkomar (WGDDS) of Ministry of Planning has studied and presented questionnaires for collecting raw data and tra...
Sustainable Development Goal 4: Quality Education [Lao PDR]
This page gives info on SDG4 progress in Lao PDR updated in 2018.
Announcement on the approval for Cambodian oil and gas concession requested by Angkor Gold Corp.
Angkor Gold Corp., through its subsidiary EnerCam Resources Co. Ltd. (“EnerCam”), has received the approval of the Royal Government of Cambodia on its application for a 7300 squ...
Foreign Aid Implementation Report (FAIR): 2017 Semi-Annual Progress and 2018 Estimation
The purpose of this report was to provide aid data for the first six months of 2017 including its plan for the year, and estimation for 2018 in the country as provided by develo...
Lao PDR - United Nations Partnership Framework 2017-2021 Progress Report 2018
This report covers key development trends and results achieved under the Lao PDR UN PartnershipFramework (2017 2021), as well as lessons learned and consideration of options f...
Blood bricks: untold stories of modern slavery and climate change from Cambodia
This report tells ten untold stories of modern slavery and climate change. The report reinforces why decent work is a powerful protection against contemporary forms of slavery: ...
Thilawa Special Economic Zone
This website contains information on investing in the Thilawa SEZ.
Land Use and Land Cover Changes during the Second Indochina War and Their Long-Term Impact on a Hilly Area in Laos
Armed conflicts create drastic socioeconomic shocks that lead to land use and land cover changes in ways that are not yet well understood. Several studies have used satellite im...
Forestry in Thailand
In 1985, the National Forest Policy was established in order to manage and develop the forest resources for sustainability and in conformity with the development of other natura...
Cambodia’s Voluntary National Review 2019: On the implementation of the 2030 agenda for sustainable development
In the last forty years, Cambodia has made enormous progress in recovering from protracted conflict and genocide, and the accompanying blows to the country’s social and economic...
An evaluation of support to Lao PDR's special economic zones
The objective of this report is twofold: First, for TA 7188, (a) it evaluates the outcomes and outputs of TA 7188; (b) it assesses the relevance of those results to the objecti...
Memorandum of Understanding between the Secretariat of National Committee for Sub-National Democratic Development Secretariat (NCDDS) and partners of the Implementation of Social Accountability Framework (I-SAF) Phase II
This page gives information about the 4 non-government organizations which worked on the Implementation of Social Accountability Implementation Plan for Sub-National Democratic ...