Development Cooperation & Partnerships Strategy 2014-2018
To ensure that Cambodia reaches the development goals that have been identified in the Rectangular Strategy – Phase III, the Royal Government will implement its development poli...
Interview with grant evans
Transcript of an interview conducted with historian Grant Evans, an anthropologist who specialized in Laos and produced numerous academic works about the country. Published in t...
Scoping and planning of the assessment of basin-wide development scenarios
A technical note to describe the agreed approach, scope and work plan for the formulation and assessment of basin-wide development scenarios in the Lower Mekong Delta.
Extension approaches for livestock development
Report of the Participatory Livestock Development Project (PLDP) conducted in Northern Lao PDR focusing on agricultural extension for livestock production. It includes informati...
Asian Development Outlook 2015: Financing Asia's Future Growth
To achieve the steady growth envisaged in this report, policy makers in developing Asia need to be vigilant of potential risks. Risks to Asia’s growth prospects could come fro...
The judicial system in Thailand: An outlook for a new century
A report about Thailand’s judicial system, with chapters written by seven judges from various courts of justice in Thailand. The report covers (i) historical background of the j...
Asia-Pacific Aspirations: Perspectives for a Post-2015 Development Agenda
The Asia-Pacific region as a whole has had considerable success with the MDGs, particularly in reducing levels of poverty. Nevertheless, the region is off track when it comes to...
Emerging market for sustainable food in Bangkok
This paper analyses the process of change towards sustainable food consumption in Bangkok. The authors investigate how consumers and the system of provision interact in retail o...
Development Cooperation Trends in Cambodia: Using Evidence to Promote Partnerships and Develop Effectiveness
Rapid progress in Cambodia’s socio-economic development over the past decade has been achieved as a result of effective leadership on the part of the Royal Government and the co...
The World's Cities in 2016: Data Booklet
This data booklet highlights current and future trajectories of populations in cities around the globe, drawing on population estimates and projections published in World Urbani...
Urban Development in the Greater Mekong Subregion
This publication on urban development in the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS)—a first of its kind—reflects recognition of the greater potential roles of urban development, increas...
Agriculture strategy 2025
This research on the voices of an upland people, a look into the Taoy community and participatory development in Southern Laos, was conducted in the fulfillment of the requireme...
Women in the Workforce: An Unmet Potential in Asia and the Pacific
This report shows that the low labor force participation of women is intimately related to how they allocate time between market and nonmarket activities. Indeed, in deciding wh...
Making SDGs Work for Climate Change Hotspots
The impacts of climate change on people's livelihoods have been widely documented. It is expected that climate and environmental change will hamper poverty reduction, or even ex...
Joint Statement of the Implementation of Sustainable Consumption and Production in ASEAN
Statement of the Ministers of Environment of the ASEAN member countries on implementing sustainable consumption and production.
ABC of SCP: Clarifying Concepts on Sustainable Consumption and Production
This publication “ABC of SCP” aims to clarify the main terms and concepts related to sustainable consumption and production, and other terms associated with sustainable developm...
National report of Thailand. Review of administrative decisions of government by the Administrative Court of Thailand, report to the 10th Congress of IASAJ
This report provides an overview of the scope of the jurisdictional competence of the Administrative Court of Thailand with the emphasis on its power to review the administrativ...
Bamboo fabric: A study of using thick bamboo fiber for producing and developing Thai textiles
This research investigates the use of bamboo fibre in Thai textile production. The authors explore the industry's background, current situation and challenges, and investigate h...
Rubber tree distribution mapping in northeast Thailand
An article presenting the results of rubber tree growth mapping in northeast Thailand using Landsat 5 TM data. A Mahalanobis typicality method was used to identify different age...
Use of GIS tools for environmental conflict resolution at Map Ta Phut industrial zone in Thailand
This paper presents an analysis of an environmental conflict that arose in a Thai industrial zone. The authors analyse state policies to resolve the conflict, and draw lessons f...