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Circular No. 34/2009 / TT-BNNPTNT on the criteria for determining and classifying forests

This Circular provides for criteria to identify and classify forests for forest survey, inventory and statistics, forest protection and development planning, forest resource management and for formulation of forestry programs and projects. The Circular classifies forests based on: use purposes such as protection forests, special use forests and production forests; growth time which include natural forests and plantation forests; geographical conditions such as soil mountain forests, rocky mountain forests, floodplain forests and dune forests; tree species including timber forest, bamboo forests, palm forest and mixed forests; and on timber reserves such as wood forest and bamboo forests.

Data Resources (2)

Data Resource Preview - ENG-Circular No. 34/2009 / TT-BNNPTNT on the criteria for determining and classifying forests

Additional Info

Field Value
Geographic area (spatial range)
  • Viet Nam
Document reference # Circular No. 34/2009 / TT-BNNPTNT
Issuing agency/parties
  • Ministry of Rural Development
  • English
  • Vietnamese
Formal type of document Circular
  • Forest classifications
  • Forests and forestry
License unspecified
Copyright No
Access and use constraints

There are no access and use constraint.

Status Signed and in effect
Adoption date/Enacted/Promulgation date/Signing date October 6, 2009
Effective/Enforced Date July 25, 2009
Publication reference Official gazette Nos. 317-318, 28 June 2009, pp. 30-35. Công Báo số 317-318, 28/06/2009, Trang. 30-35.
Links to source
Keywords forest species,protection forest,classification,forest management,forest conservation,delcassification,phân loại rừng,bảo vệ rừng,quản lý rừng,loài cây
Date uploaded February 21, 2019, 10:45 AM (UTC+00:00)
Date modified April 14, 2019, 3:18 PM (UTC+00:00)