Fiscal Decentralization in Myanmar: Towards a Roadmap for Reform
This discussion paper by Hamish Nixon and Cindy Joelene intends to inform the wider discussion about how best to proceed with fiscal decentralization in Myanmar. Its goal is to ...
Lords of Jade
Myanmar’s jade business may be the biggest natural resource heist in modern history. The sums of money involved are almost incomprehensibly high and the levels of accountability...
Myanmar Oil & Gas Sector Wide Impact Assessment
The Oil & Gas Sector-Wide Impact Assessment (SWIA), developed by the Myanmar Centre for Responsible Business (MCRB) in partnership with its co-founders, the Institute of Human R...
Jade: Myanmar's "Big State Secret"
Drawing on over a year of investigations, this report shows for the first time how a multi-billion dollar trade in one of the planet’s most precious gemstones is tightly control...
Sharing the Wealth: A Roadmap for Distributing Myanmar’s Natural Resource Revenues
This discussion paper outlines options available under the current legal structure to help the new leadership fulfill its commitment to decentralize natural resource revenues. I...
Myanmar Health Statistics 2010
This publication attempts to provide, in a simple and user-friendly way, the most sought-after health and health related information to a wide-ranging array of audience, both in...
Gender (in)Equality in the Governance of Myanmar: Past, Present, and Potential Strategies for Change
This research report discusses the importance of gender equality of participation in governance, past and currents levels of participation in Myanmar, and current actions being ...
Militias in Myanmar
This report provides the historical background and evolution of militias over time, offers a typology of the different types of militias operating in the country, and reflects o...
Gender Equality and Women's Rights in Myanmar: A Situation Analysis Report
This gender situation analysis spotlights women’s activities and shows the way for their maximum contribution in the socioeconomic development of Myanmar through newly installed...
The gardener and the fisherman in globalization: The Inle Lake (Myanmar), a region under transition
As this literature portrait shows, Inle Lake has been a research object for many years, but it has never been studied in conjunction with the structural dynamics that have been...
The 2014 Myanmar Population and Housing Census Census Report Volume 2-B The Union Report: Occupation and Industry
This report “Census Report Volume 2-B: The Union Report: Occupation and Industry” is a supplement to The Union Report, Volume 2. It contains information on activity status, occu...
EITI Report for the Period April 2013-March 2014 Oil, Gas and Mining Sectors
This report summarises information about the reconciliation of fiscal and non-fiscal revenues from the extractive sector in Myanmar as part of the implementation of the Extracti...
Labor migration in the greater Mekong sub-region - synthesis report : phase 1
Migration has been occurring in the GMS for centuries, largely in an informal and unregulated fashion. The GMS Labor Migration program, launched in June 2005 as part of the Worl...
Myanmar Demographic and Health Survey 2015-16: Key Indicators Report
The 2015-16 MDHS was the first DHS survey to be conducted in Myanmar in collaboration with the worldwide Demographic and Health Surveys Program. This report, which presents key ...
Informational Basis of Policy Judgments: The Case of the Royal Forest Department of Thailand
This report presents a preliminary analysis of policy formation in the area of forest management in Thailand. Despite its remarkable record of industrialization and economic gro...
GAIN report: Beans and pulses trade Myanmar 2015
A report authored by Swe Mon Aung, agricultural specialist with the United States Department of Agriculture's foreign agricultural service on the beans and pulses trade in Myanm...
Myanmar agricultural development bank: Initial assessment and restructuring options
An analytical report by the World Bank on Myanmar's agricultural development bank, providing an initial assessment of its capacity in the context of Myanmar's agrarian economy, ...
Myanmar’s first census in more than 30 years: A radical revision of the official population count
A report by Chantal Cases, Gilles Pison, Marie-Paule Reydet, Catriona Dutreuilh, Isabelle Milan on Myanmar’s first census in more than 30 years, analysing discrepancies between...
Women’s Participation in the Sub-national Governance of Myanmar
The Myanmar Development Resource Institute’s Centre for Economic and Social Development (MDRI-CESD) and The Asia Foundation are pleased to present this third volume in the Subna...
Inle Lake, Long Term Restoration & Conservation Plan
The Plan is based on adoption of a “Community Based Approach” to resource management, with the realization that no Plan or Project involving communities can succeed if the commu...