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21 library_records found

Topics: Extractive industries policy and administration Search Result For: library_record

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  • Current situation of mining industry in Cambodia

    This report show the current situation of mining industry in Cambodia from General Department of Mineral Resources of Cambodia published n 2013.

  • Key Features of Modern Petroleum Law and International Best Practices in Upstream Petroleum Industry for Stakeholder Sensitization

    This report reviews Cambodia’s existing petroleum regulatory regime; including the Petroleum Regulations 1991, the 2004 Model Petroleum Contract and the Environmental Law 1996 a...

  • Contract Transparency Workshop of MEITI

    This is the report of Contract Transparency workshop held by Myanmar Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (MEITI) and Natural Resource Governance Institute (NRGI) on De...

  • Department of Geological Survey and Mineral Explorer

    Archived webpage showing overview of role of DGSE.

  • Jade: Myanmar's "Big State Secret"

    Drawing on over a year of investigations, this report shows for the first time how a multi-billion dollar trade in one of the planet’s most precious gemstones is tightly control...

  • EITI Report for the Period April 2013-March 2014 Oil, Gas and Mining Sectors

    This report summarises information about the reconciliation of fiscal and non-fiscal revenues from the extractive sector in Myanmar as part of the implementation of the Extracti...

  • Myanmar EITI Factsheet

    This factsheet contained information on Myanmar EITI sector

  • Jade A Global Witness investigation into Myanmar's "Big State Secret"

    The most valuable jade in the world is found in the Kachin hills of northern Myanmar. This 12 month investigation reveals it is worth far more than previously thought - up to U...

  • The Nature of Environmental Fee

    This dataset has no description

  • Mining - Development - Environment: Gaps between theory and practice

    This dataset has no description

  • Góp ý dự thảo quyết định cải tạo, phục hồi môi trường và ký quỹ CT, PHMT đối với khai khoáng 2012

    Góp ý của Trung tâm Con người và Thiên nhiên (PanNature) cho bản dự thảo lần 2 Quyết định về cải tạo, phục hồi môi trường và ký quỹ cải tạo, phục hồi môi trường đối với hoạt độn...

  • Đánh giá hiệu quả KT-XH, phân chia lợi ích và quản lý nguồn thu trong khai thác titan 2013

    Báo cáo nghiên cứu tập trung vào các kết quả ban đầu về hiệu quả kinh tế - xã hội trong hoạt động khai thác titan ở Bình Định, đồng thời phác họa bức tranh về phân chia lợi ích ...

  • Hiến chương Tài nguyên thiên nhiên 2011

    Hiến chương về tài nguyên thiên nhiên (NRC) là bộ nguyên tắc nhằm hướng dẫn các chính phủ và xã hội dân sự về phương thức sử dụng hợp lý tài nguyên thiên nhiên nhằm mang lại lợi...

  • Bộ tiêu chuẩn EITI 2013 và khả năng đáp ứng chính sách của Việt Nam, 2015

    This dataset has no description

  • Oxfam America evaluation report, extractive industries program in Cambodia (2009-2012)

    An independent evaluation of Oxfam America’s Extractive Industries in Cambodia program. The evaluation focuses on work undertaken between 2009 and 2012, which aimed to support v...

  • ASEAN framework on extractives industries governance

    This presentation gives an overview of the ASEAN Framework on Extractives Industries Governance. The presenter outlines the context of the framework, the importance of the extra...

  • Large-scale extractive industry scoping study Cambodia (draft)

    A draft report of a scoping study on extractives in Cambodia. The country's mineral and hydrocarbon resources are largely untapped, but interest from foreign investors has...

  • The master plan study for promotion of the mining industry in the Kingdom of Cambodia : final report

    This report provides a road map for sustainable development and investment promotion in Cambodia's mining sector, giving due consideration to the country’s environment....

  • Briefing paper: Regional framework on extractive industries governance

    A briefing paper on the ASEAN Regional Framework on Extractive Industries Governance. The brief outlines the legal context, key elements of the framework and the proposed means...

  • The framework for extractive industries governance in ASEAN, first edition

    The framework aims to contribute to the development of extractive industries within ASEAN that are accountable, transparent, and well-governed and are effective in stimulating...

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