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Asian Development Outlook 2015: Financing Asia's Future Growth

To achieve the steady growth envisaged in this report, policy makers in developing Asia need to be vigilant of potential risks. Risks to Asia’s growth prospects could come from an unwieldy resolution of the Greek debt crisis, deepening recession in the Russian Federation, and possible capital outflows in response to the imminent rise in US interest rates. Falling oil prices have largely been a boon for the region’s outlook, supporting higher growth and low inflation. However, geopolitical tensions in the Middle East remain a real risk that could produce a sudden reversal of prices. Authorities need to be ready to deploy mitigating policy responses if any of these risks materialize. Asia has seen rapid credit growth in recent years as total domestic debt nearly doubled from $18 trillion in 2009 to $34 trillion in 2013, with private borrowing accounting for the bulk of new debt. Although debt remains at manageable levels, policy makers must carefully attend to credit growth to ensure the maintenance of sound financial systems that are efficient, well-regulated, and inclusive—and therefore able to help sustain regional growth momentum and stability, as well as foster greater equity.

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Additional Info

Field Value
Document type Reports, journal articles, and research papers (including theses and dissertations)
Language of document
  • English
  • Economic policy and administration
  • Economy and commerce
  • Oil and gas resources
Geographic area (spatial range)
  • Cambodia
  • Lao People's Democratic Republic
  • Myanmar
  • Thailand
  • Viet Nam
Copyright Yes
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Version / Edition 2015
License CC-BY-3.0-IGO

© 2015 Asian Development Bank 6 ADB Avenue, Mandaluyong City, 1550 Metro Manila, Philippines Tel +63 2 632 4444; Fax +63 2 636 2444; Some rights reserved. Published in 2015.

Author (corporate) Asian Development Bank
ISBN number 978-92-9254-896-4
ISSN number 0117-0481
Publication place Manila, Philippines
Publisher Asian Development Bank
Publication date 2015
Pagination 328
Keywords economic growth,develop
Date uploaded October 3, 2017, 7:34 PM (UTC+00:00)
Date modified March 14, 2018, 9:40 AM (UTC+00:00)