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  • The research on the cross-border transportation infrastructure: Phase 2

    In 2005 and 2006, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) researched the global progress of regionalization and the impacts of cross-border transport. The present study...

  • World marriage patterns 2000

    Data on marriage patterns for all countries. Indicators include average age at first marriage/singulate mean age at marriage (SMAM); the proportions of ever-married persons aged...

  • Doing business 2015. Going beyond efficiency

    This report is the 12th in a series of annual reports measuring the regulations that enhance business activity and those that constrain it. The report presents quantitative...

  • The business case for social and environmental safeguards in infrastructure lending

    A presentation outlining the business case for social and environmental safeguards in infrastructure lending. The benefits and costs of safeguards and the scale of...

  • 61 Poorest Districts in Vietnam

    Map and information about poorest districts in Vietnam defined in the Resolution No. 30/A/2008/NQ-CP on Speedy and Sustainable Poverty Reduction Programme For the 61 Poor...

  • Gendering cross-border networks in the Greater Mekong Subregion: Drawing invisible routes to Thailand

    This article discusses human trafficking within the GMS in relation to the strengthened inter-state economic and infrastructural connectivity, taking the life history of sex...

  • Alternative development or business as usual? China's opium substitution policy in Burma and Laos

    This brief discusses the effectiveness of China's opium substitution policy. A significant amount of opium and heroin on the market in China originates in northern Burma,...

  • Submission to the US State Dept on US reporting requirements on responsible investment in Burma (Myanmar)

    A submission by the Institute for Human Rights and Business regarding the US Government’s Reporting Requirements on Responsible Investment in Burma. IHRB warmly welcomes the...

  • Community engagement key to business success in Myanmar

    This article argues that community engagement and international standards of corporate social responsibility are key to the success of petroleum projects in Myanmar.

  • Conference report: Burma/Myanmar. Business and human rights: Setting standards for responsible business

    This report provides proceedings of the Burma/Myanmar, Business and Human Rights conference, held 7-9 November, 2012. The report summarises the key issues discussed, including...

  • Report: Asia Pacific regional workshop in preparation for the first global meeting of the Indigenous Peoples’ Forum at IFAD

    This report outlines key findings and recommendations of the Asia Pacific regional workshop in preparation for the first global meeting of the Indigenous Peoples’ Forum at IFAD....

  • Dialogue, opportunities and risks in business-to-community and business-to-business relationships in Myanmar/Burma

    A report of two multi-stakeholder workshops on responsible investment in Myanmar. The first workshop focused on developing good practice in business-community relations; and key...

  • Counter-trafficking databases in Cambodia

    This SIREN report identifies the existing government databases containing information on human trafficking in Cambodia, and presents recommendations for the systematic provision...

  • East Asia’s changing urban landscape: Measuring a decade of spatial growth

    This study attempted to provide systematic data on the scale and form of urban expansion in East Asia through empirical observation. (China, Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand and...

  • Re-examining the role of transport infrastructure in trade, regional growth and governance: Comparing the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) and Central Eastern Europe (CEE)

    This article explores the role of transport infrastructures in regional economic growth by comparing Central Eastern Europe (supported by the European Union structural and...

  • Kamako Chhnoeum Program findings from September 1st to October 28th, 2013

    "The International Labour Organisation’s Better Factories Cambodia program (BFC) launched Kamako Chhnoeum (Outstanding Worker) on September 1, 2013. The system is available for...

  • Hubs and spokes emerging patterns of intra-Mekong trade and investment

    This working paper analyses intra-Mekong trade and investment. The author argues that new patterns of trade relationship are emerging which can be likened to hubs and spokes, in...

  • Low cost, low tech disaster proof shelter

    From the foreword: "Shelter rehabilitation after disaster is one of the most expensive humanitarian interventions. According to data collected by PIN, the average cost estimates...

  • Improving secondary education through institutional innovation: a report to UNDP and UNICEF

    Records the findings of a mission to Cambodia sponsored by the UNDP and UNICEF in August 2006. The objective was to assess the present state of education in Cambodia and make...

  • Overview, rice production in Cambodia

    An overview of rice production in Cambodia, describes the climate, seasons, soil conditions and land use, and the distribution of rice paddies. Rice agro-ecological systems are...

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