Oil and gas exploration and production in Myanmar
Myanmar is one of the world’s oldest oil producers; exporting its first barrel of crude in 1853. Despite this, its upstream sector is still in its infancy. This is due to a numb...
MDG Country Progress Snapshot: Myanmar
The MDG Country Progress Snapshot provides an overview of the progress achieved at country level since 1990 towards the Millennium Development Goals. The snapshot is intended ma...
AQUASTAT မြန်မာနိုင်ငံတွင်ဆောင်ရွက်မှုလုပ်ငန်းအကျဉ်း
This country profile provides information on Myanmar's geography, climate and population, economy, agriculture and food security. Information is also provided on water resources...
FAOSTAT country profile - Myanmar
A profile of Myanmar by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Data is provided on economic indicators; food, nutrition and food security; population and l...
World Mining Data 2017
Data taken from the World Mining Congress on production and value of minerals mined in the Lower Mekong in 2014. Compiled for an interactive visualization used on the OD Mekong ...
This is a best prospect industry sector for this country. Includes a market overview and trade data. With economic reforms and loosening of international sanctions, the Governme...
Global Witness 2015. Jade: Myanmar’s Big State Secret.
Jade: Myanmar’s Big State Secret by Global Witness 2015
Mining in Nonghet, Chameun village [Lao PDR]
This case study is about the Mining in Nonghet, Chameun village from 2011 to 2013.
Lao PDR: SDG8 Decent Work and Economic Growth
This webpage provides an overview of the state of SDG8 in Lao PDR.
Concessions and leases in the Lao PDR: taking stock of land investments
This report presents the first nationwide analysis of land concessions and leases in the Lao PDR. The project is a joint effort between the Ministry of Natural Resources and Env...
Lao IT Service Market 2012
JICA and the Lao Government are co-operating to improve the provision of Information Technology Services in Laos. To better understand the nature of these surveys, annual survey...
PM Announces Continued Suspension of Mining Concessions
This news article informs the extended moratorium of mining business in Laos.
Vision 2030 and Ten-year Socio-Economic Development Strategy (2016-2025)
Vison until 2030 aims Lao PDR to become a developing country with upper-middle income and with innovative, green and sustainable economic growth; there is availability of indust...
Key statistics on Lao PDR's from the 2018 LDC review
This document summarizes the profile of Lao PDR in terms of fulfilling the criteria for graduating from Least Developed Country (LDC) status.
Goal 1- End poverty in all its forms everywhere
This web page shows an overview of the global Sustainable Development Goal 1: No poverty, along with the progress and 2030 target.
Sustainable Development Goal 1- end poverty in all its forms everywhere
This web page shows the progress of SDG1 implementation in 2018, the general targets and indicators.
Brand Lao-for better livelihoods
This is a briefing for the 'Brand Lao-for better livelihoods' project, aimed to identify potential profitable Lao products to be exported to the international market, to build i...
As Lao PDR prepares for LDC Graduation, inequality has to be overcome
This press release points out challenges and successes of Lao PDR as of October 2018 regarding the graduation from the Least Developed Country (LDC) status.
Lao PDR Road Sector Project II [NDF C92/C93]
This web page offers information on the Lao PDR Road Sector Project II, a project to improve climate-resilient road connectivity in selected provinces in Lao PDR.
Microfinance in Laos
The web page highlights the development of microfinance in Laos since 1990s as well as the future strategy by the Bank of the Lao PDR.