Webpage capture on the company profile of Prince Culture and Tourism Development Co., Ltd.
Webpage capture on the company profile page of Prince Culture and Tourism Development Co., Ltd. shows detailed information of company name, status, incorporation date, company t...
Legal documents related to community fisheries in the Kingdom of Cambodia
This book collects the provisions related to the community fishery, including the provisions of Chapter 11 of the Fisheries Law, Royal Decree No. 0505/240 dated 29 May 2005 on e...
Webpage capture on the company profile of Golden Resource Development Co., Ltd.
Webpage capture on the company profile page of Golden Resource Development Co., ltd shows detailed information of company name, status, incorporation date, company type, jurisdi...
Webpage capture on the company profile of Cambodia Iron And Steel Mining Industry Group
Webpage capture on the company profile of Cambodia Iron And Steel Mining Industry Group shows detailed information of company name, status, incorporation date, company type, jur...
Offshore Block A provides buzz to Cambodia's petroleum industry
Cambodia's offshore Block A covers an area of 4,709 square kilometers in the water depths of between 50 and 80 meters. With the approval of the partners and the government, the ...
Webpage capture on the company profile of WTX Leading Fashion Co., Ltd.
Webpage capture on the company profile of WTX Leading Fashion Co., Ltd. shows detailed information of company name, status, incorporation date, company type, jurisdiction, regi...
Demand for and supply of digital skills in Cambodia
CADT has conducted a research study to assess the current and future demand for and supply of digital and ICT skills. The study further investigates the challenges firms of all ...
Webpage capture on the company profile of Soma Farm (Cambodia) Co., Ltd.
Webpage capture on the company profile page of Soma Farm (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. shows detailed information of company name, status, incorporation date, company type, jurisdiction,...
Webpage capture on the company profile of Schneitec Western Co., Ltd.
Webpage capture on the company profile page of Schneitec Western Co., Ltd. shows detailed information of company name, status, incorporation date, company type, jurisdiction, re...
Webpage capture on the company profile of Khalandale Co., Ltd.
Webpage capture on the company profile page of Khalandale Co., Ltd shows detailed information of company name, status, incorporation date, company type, jurisdiction, registered...
Webpage capture on the company profile of K.B.X Investment Co., Ltd.
Webpage capture on the company profile page of K.B.X Investment Co., Ltd. shows detailed information of company name, status, incorporation date, company type, jurisdiction, reg...
Webpage capture on the company profile of Hun Ty Real Estate Co., Ltd
Webpage capture on the company profile page of Hun Ty Real Estate Co., Ltd shows detailed information of company name, status, incorporation date, company type, jurisdiction, re...
Webpage capture on the company profile of Kulara Water Co., Ltd.
Webpage capture on the company profile page of Kulara Water Co., Ltd. shows detailed information of company name, status, incorporation date, company type, jurisdiction, registe...
Temporary number of voter turnout of the 4th mandate of commune/sangkat council election 2017
This is a list of the temporary number by province of voter turnout during the 4th Mandate of commune/Sangkat Council Election. It shows information such as number of commune, p...
Official result of voter registration for preparing 2016 new voter lists
This is an official result of voter registration for preparing 2016 new voter lists. It shows the information of voter registration in 25 provinces and capital across the countr...
Master plan for research development in the education sector 2011 - 2015
The master plan for research in the education sector is based on the seven strategies of the Policy on Research Development in the Education Sector, and supports the implementat...
Official results on the election of national assembly for the 5th mandate 2013
This is the official result on the election of national assembly for the fifth legislature issued by National Election Committee (NEC) in 2013. The resource document illustrates...
Results of the 4th mandate of commune/sangkat council election (table of vote won by political party and its seats in percentage)
This table shows the result of the commune council election by province level. Plus, it has information such as total vote and commune council seats won by each political party ...
Diversification of the Cambodian Economy: The Roles of Higher Education and Technical and Vocational Education and Training
The objective of this policy brief is to discuss the provision and relevance of higher education (HE) and technical and vocational education and training (TVET) to economic deve...
The education youth and sport performance in the academic year 2019-2020 and goals for the academic year 2020-2021
Academic year 2019-2020 is the 2nd year that the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports implemented the Education Strategic Plan 2019-2023 in line with the National Strategic D...