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  • Agreement and relevant documents for Tameak​ coastal area community fishery

    This document details the agreement regarding the establishment of the Tameak​ community fishery, the list of community members, community statutes, regulations, and management ...

  • Agreement and relevant documents for Preynob Pir community fishery

    This document details the agreement regarding the establishment of the Preynob Pir community fishery, the list of community members, community statutes, regulations, and managem...

  • Agreement and relevant documents for Khampenh community fishery

    This document details the agreement regarding the establishment of the Khampenh community fishery, the list of community members, community statutes, regulations, and management...

  • Agreement and relevant documents for Jroy Svay community fishery

    This document details the agreement regarding the establishment of the Jroy Svay community fishery, the list of community members, community statutes, regulations, and managemen...

  • Toward Integrated Disaster Risk Management in Vietnam : Recommendations Based on the Drought and Saltwater Intrusion Crisis and the Case for Investing in Longer-Term Resilience

    Vietnam is one of the most hazard-prone countries in East Asia and the Pacific, with droughts, severe storms, and flooding causing substantial economic and human losses. Climate...

  • Climate Risk Country Profile: Vietnam

    Vietnam is a Southeast Asian nation with an extensive coastline and diverse but generally warm climate, including temperate and tropical regions. Given that a high proportion of...

  • Key Themes in Land Governance: Synopses of Research, Policy and Action in the Mekong Region

    The Mekong region is marked by particular kinds of historical and contemporary land uses, social relations around land, interactions within and across national borders, and patt...

  • Coronavirus (COVID-19) cases in Cambodia

    The sources from the official Facebook​ of Ministry of Health, Communicable Disease Control Department (CDC) and other collection of notifications from the Ministry of Health to...

  • Reports business review 2021 and 2022 business performance goals

    This report identifies business review 2021 and 2022 business performance goals. The business review 2021 emphasizes on 14 points while the 2022 business performance focuses on ...

  • Strategic Plan for Social Accountability for Sub-National Democratic Development

    This strategic plan on social accountability focuses on all aspects of decision-making and participatory local action within the framework of each sub-national administration.

  • Worked to debt: Over-indebtedness in Cambodia's garment sector

    Tens of thousands of garment workers in Cambodia will struggle to repay microfinance debts during work stoppages and factory suspensions caused by COVID-19, creating a mounting ...

  • Driven out: One village's experience with MFIs and cross-border migration

    Throughout Cambodia’s northwest, widespread microfinance debt is pushing families from their homes to find work across the Thai border. In this briefing paper “Driven Out: One V...

  • Collateral damage: Land loss and abuses in Cambodia’s microfinance sector

    Collateral Damage: Land Losses and Abuses in Cambodia’s Microfinance Sector details the size and scope of Cambodia’s MFI sector and seeks to highlight the human rights abuses th...

  • Handbook on the implementation of commune social services

    This handbook set out action plans, guidelines and strategies to regulate commune social services and budget.

  • Webpage capture on The Lower Sesan 2 (LS2) dam

    The Lower Sesan 2 (LS2) dam is a hydropower project that began operating in 2017 on the Sesan River in Cambodia, 15 miles upstream from where it meets the Mekong river. The dam ...

  • Webpage capture: Sihanoukville CIIDG power station

    Webpage capture on the Sihanoukville CIIDG power station depicts principle parameters of project location, background on the plant, expansion, special economic zone, stabbing de...

  • Webpage capture: Construction date yet to be set for $1.3B coal-fired station

    Webpage capture on the article of construction date yet to be set for $1.3B coal-fired station, published on 20 August 2019, has detailed the research and development stage​ of ...

  • Webpage capture of 700MW coal plant construction

    The webpage capture of 700MW coal plant construction displays the website and information content conveying to the 700MW coal-fired power plant in Preah Sihanouk province with a...

  • Webpage capture on China Huadian Corporation Ltd.

    Webpage capture on China Huadian Corporation Ltd. indicates a background of the company, company assets in both national and overseas, and finance source.

  • Webpage capture on all snapshots of Council of Ministers approves two coal-fired plants, transmission line

    All snapshots from the host of the Phnom Penh Post, citing the Council of Ministers approving two coal-fired plants and transmission line reveal with detailed information of a p...

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