Webpage capture on HydroLancang company profile
Webpage capture on HydroLancang company profile indicates the content and more information on its company.
Status update: Harassment on social media in Cambodia
In a new report, the Cambodian League for the Promotion and Defense of Human Rights (LICADHO) is calling on Facebook, the Cambodian government, and other social media companies ...
Global Forest Resources Assessment 2015: how are the world's forests changing? [2016]
Sustainably managed forests provide essential goods and services and thus play a vital part in sustainable development. Reliable and up-to-date information on the state of for...
Challenges and opportunities of recognizing and protecting customary tenure systems in Myanmar
The previous NLD government took office in April 2016, with strong commitments to addressing land governance issues, increasing land tenure security and making peace with ethnic...
Rooting out inequalities: Women’s participation in forest management in conflict-affected areas of Karen state in Myanmar
Forests are a critical resource for people in Myanmar, in particular for ethnic minorities such as the Karen people. Neglecting forest management in conflict-affected areas can ...
Peace on the Salween
Karen indigenous people have turned a war zone into a peace park, drawing on their culture and traditional knowledge to protect their ancestral lands in Karen State, Myanmar.
Myanmar must improve community forestry plan to fight climate change
Community forestry, in which local people play a fundamental role in forest, and resources management through strengthening community land rights, developing local livelihood an...
Myanmar Country Environmental Analysis : Assessing the Opportunities for Scaling Up Community Forestry and Community Forestry Enterprises in Myanmar
Rural communities in Myanmar have numerous economic, environmental, and social opportunities but also face challenges as they seek a clear and solid pathway to development. The ...
Strong Roots: Understanding the Importance of Myanmar’s Indigenous Women as Leaders in Developing Climate Change Solutions
Indigenous women play an important yet often unappreciated role in forest protection all over the world. The publication include a series of essays predominately written by I...
Drivers of deforestation and forest degradation in Myanmar
This report provides a review of the knowledge of key direct and indirect drivers of deforestation and forest degradation in Myanmar.
Issuing a statement for legal and official export of teak from Myanmar to EU countries
Right after military has took over the country, Myanmar Forest Products and Timber Merchants Association released a statement for legal and official export of teak from Myanmar ...
Myanmar's Forests Are at Risk After Military Coup and Economic Sanctions
Myanmar's military regime and a potential ramp up in trade boycotts by foreign governments and business could fuel the risk of deforestation in the Asian nation, which is likely...
Myanmar’s troubled forestry sector seeks global endorsement after coup
The nationally privatized Myanmar Forest Products and Timber Merchants Association (MFPTMA) released a statement claiming its timber trade is fully in compliance with legal and ...
Myanmar industry profile
The annual rate of deforestation in Myanmar was 1.2% for the period 1990-2015 (FAO, 2015) with rapid expansion of commercial agriculture, alongside legal and illegal logging, an...
Webpage capture on the article "Five new investment projects will create 2,080 jobs"
Webpage capture on the article of "Five new investment projects will create 2,080 jobs" displays the principle five new investment projects worth an estimated $251.8 million in ...
Figures on ethnic minority women and men in Vietnam 2015-2019. From the findings of Surveys on the socio-economic situation amongst 53 Ethnic Minority Groups 2015-2019.
The report Figures on Ethnic Minority Women and Men in Viet Nam 2015-2019 presents gender analysis and highlights gender outcomes, and provide policy recommendations for gender ...
Policy brief: Gender issues of ethnic minority groups in Vietnam
The policy brief was developed based on the results of the Survey on the Socio-Economic Situation of 53 Ethnic Minority Groups in Viet Nam in 2019 and other recent research resu...
Gender statistics in Vietnam 2020
The book presents gender statistics according to various topics, such as: Population, family, education, health, labour and employment, and leadership and management. Informatio...
Guide on Responsible Agriculture and Forestry Investment in Lao PDR
This guide studied and compiled relevant Lao investment principles, regulations, and laws; investment principles from ASEAN and the international level; and Chinese government g...
Annual supervision report 2020
This report aims to show the major development of banking system, development in supervisory and regulatory frameworks, financial sector development and regional integration, an...