“Indigenous Practices for Sustainable Social Development: Summary Workshop Repor
Indigenous people play a key role in the domestication, conservation and adaptation of genetic resources and agricultural biodiversity, not just for their immediate surroundings...
Forestry strategy to the year 2020 of Laos PDR
The overall objective of the Forestry Strategy 2020 is to contribute to achieve the indicative targets of the national socio-economic plans, to provide goods and ...
Ministry of Energy and Mines: Department of Energy Business; Power Projects Laos
This website lists the existing IPP Hydropower Projects MOU's and the 20 Project Development Agreements issued by the Laos Ministry of Energy and Mines.
Lao People’s Democratic Republic: Transport Sector Assessment, Strategy, and Road Map
This transport sector assessment, strategy, and road map (ASR) guides the formulation of Asian Development Bank (ADB) assistance to the transport sector in the Lao People’s Demo...
Power projects in Lao PDR (table showing development status)
A set of tables showing the development status of power projects in Laos. The document includes projects developed before 2000, those operational, under construction, at the pla...
Community Forestry in Myanmar: Some Field Realities
Myanmar’s Community Forestry programme began in with the Community Forestry Instruction of 1995. Since then over two hundred and fifty Forest User Groups have been formed across...
Lao PDR to Strengthen Road Systems and Improve Connectivity
This press release is about the US $25 million credit from the International Development Association (IDA) to help Lao PDR strengthen its road maintenance systems and improve ro...
The legal framework of state land leases and concessions in the Lao PDR
Discussion paper on the legal framework of state land leases and concessions in Lao PDR. This paper summarizes the relevant laws and regulations and indicate contradictions in t...
Global Forest Resources Assessment 2015: Desk Reference
This document is one of three main publications of the Global Forest Resources Assessment 2015 (FRA 2015). It contains data for most of the quantitative and Boolean variables c...
Global Forest Resource Assessment 2010: Main Report
The Global Forest Resources Assessment 2010 (FRA 2010) is the most comprehensive assessment of forests and forestry to date - not only in terms of the number of countries and pe...
Global Forest Resources Assessment 2015: Country Report - Thailand
This is an FAO report. FAO, at the request of its member countries, regularly monitors the world´s forests and their management and uses through the Global Forest Resources Asse...
Identifying Conservation Issues in Kachin State
Kachin State in northern Myanmar is home to many biological hotspots, including subtropical moist forests, hill forests, alpine meadows and broadleaf and conifer forests (Olson ...
Traditional Customary Laws and Indigenous Peoples in Asia
For years, traditional laws – or customary laws – in Asia have been eroded. This report argues that remaining customary laws should be retained and discusses the extent to which...
Transfer Pricing
International business transactions have increased dramatically over the years. Investment has increasingly expanded at an unprecedented rate in many countries. These internati...
Outcomes of State- vs. Community-Based Mangrove Management in Southern Thailand
In Thailand, mangrove forests are claimed for state management, although it is widely recognized that coastal communities access and manage those forests. Skepticism persists wi...
A Choice for China: Ending the Destruction of Burma’s Northern Frontier Forests
This report makes the case for ending the illegal logging in Burma’s northern forests. Although the management of Burma’s forests is primarily the responsibility of the relev...
A Disharmonious Trade: China and the Continued Destruction of Burma’s Northern Frontier Forests
This is the third in a series of reports on illegal logging in Burma. It is based on field research carried out between 2005 and 2009 in Kachin State, along the Burma-China bord...
UNICEF Water and Sanitation
This web page provides information about UNICEF's Water and Sanitation Program in Laos. UNICEF’s Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) programme supports Lao PDR to achieve Mille...
Lao PDR: Sanitation, Drinking Water, and Hygiene Status Overview
This overview provides information about sanitation, drinking-water and hygiene status in Laos.
Study on communal land registration in Lao PDR
Field visits to over twenty villages in five different provinces of the Lao PDR have shown that across all ethnic groups, communities use and manage communal lands. Types of lan...