Documentation on how to record civil registration: chapter II birth registration
This chapter provides the detail information of birth registration for Cambodian citizens, legal immigrants, and the register procedure for birth certificate. There are also inc...
Documentation on how to record civil registration: chapter III marriage registration
This chapter provides the detail information of procedure and steps to get marriage registration. The registration is depended on the condition if the marriage happened between ...
Documentation on how to record civil registration: chapter IV death registration
This chapter provides the detail information of procedure, steps to register for death certificate, and a copy of certificate. The registration is done differently between Cambo...
Screen capture: National Institute of Post, Telecommunications and Information Communication Technology
This is the screen capture of National Institute of Post, Telecommunications and Information Communication Technology's information such as faculty, address, phone number, and e...
ODA and other public investment priorities as part of the public debt management strategy
This paper presents a framework for prioritizing public investment projects, including overseas development assistance (ODA). It is intended as input into the government’s New O...
Managing aid for trade and development results - Vietnam Case study
The study reviews Vietnam’s economic development and its trade performance in the last two decades, as the country has moved to a market-based economy and opened up to the world...
How this whale got nearly 20 pounds of plastic in its stomach
National Geographic Piece under the Planet or Plastic series. Article summary: Eighty shopping bags and other plastic debris clogged the animal’s stomach, making it unable to eat.
SDG 6 Thailand: Clean Water and Sanitation
Brief summary of SDG 6 by UNDP Thailand.
Directory of the Third National Assembly of the Kingdom of Cambodia 2003-2008
From the foreword: "This first edition of the Directory of the National Assembly is designed to provide all citizens with the tools and information necessary to better understan...
Orientation Guide for Higher Education in Cambodia
The higher education guidebook 2015 was organized by the Department of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport in close collaboration with public and priv...
Technical Working Group Performance Review
The objective of this Technical Working Group review is to help strengthen TWG performance in support of the Royal Government of Cambodia’s Rectangular Strategy III and the Nati...
Land acquisition, investment, and development in the Lao coffee sector: successes and failures
Looking at the coffee sector in Laos, the authors of this article explore dimensions of the land grab debate that have not yet been sufficiently examined. Coffee concessionaires...
International Women’s Day 2018: How can you #PressforProgress?
An article discussing International Women Day and Sustainable Development Goal 5: Gender Equality.
Grounding global forest economies: resource governance and commodity power in rural Laos
A dissertation by Keith D. Barney for Graduate Program in Geography at York University documenting commodity production and state power shaping the forest and paper sector in ru...
Govt gives green light to Vientiane expressway
This media article discusses about the Lao PDR's government that has agreed in principle to a plan to build a 14-km expressway linking Vientiane city centre to the outskirts in ...
Forest investment program, Laos investment plan
This report highlights Laos investment in forest management and opportunities for REDD+. The report discusses the forest sector in Laos and summarises the Laos REDD+ programme. ...
Forest Investment Program Lao PDR
Laos is a pilot country of the Forest Investment Program (FIP), a targeted programme of the Strategic Climate Fund (SCF), which is one of two funds within the framework of the W...
Forest Conversion in Lao PDR: Implications and Impacts of Expanding Land Investments
This policy brief examines the institutional and legal framework surrounding forest conversion in Lao PDR, giving special consideration to the social, environmental, and legal i...
Fisheries and aquaculture production in reservoirs in Lao PDR
The report is the fisheries and aquaculture productions in reservoirs in Laos. The overall aim of this report is to provide better information on reservoir fisheries and aquacul...
Fisheries and aquaculture in the Laos, a legislative review
The report is about the legislative review on fisheries and aquaculture in Laos. The government of Laos has recognized the need for a national legal framework to be developed to...