Beyond the apex: Toward a system level approach to higher education reform in Vietnam
This is the second of two UNDP-sponsored papers on implementing higher education reform in Vietnam. This paper looks beyond the apex to suggest a system-level policy framework...
Narrowing the development divide in ASEAN: The role of policy
This paper examines the extent to which economic convergence within ASEAN is occurring, the factors that are driving it and the role of policy. Theory is provided to examine the...
Policy suggestions for the initial development of Vietnam’s gas industry
A paper about policy choices for the development of Vietnam’s gas industry. The paper begins with an introduction to Vietnam’s gas industry, then presents each of the issues...
International religious freedom report for 2013 - Vietnam
The annual report to Congress on international religious freedom – the International Religious Freedom Report – describes the status of religious freedom in every country. The...
2015 Trafficking in Persons Report
The Trafficking in Persons Report is a comprehensive resource on the state of trafficking and governmental anti-human trafficking efforts. In the TIP Report, the U.S. Department...
Road infrastructure and climate change in Vietnam
Climate change is a potential threat to Vietnam’s development as current and future infrastructure will be vulnerable to climate change impacts. This paper focuses on the...
Bộ Quy tắc EITI phiên bản 2011
Ấn phẩm tập hợp những yêu cầu cơ bản cần thiết phải tuân thủ khi thực hiện Sáng kiến minh bạch trong ngành công nghiệp khai thác (EITI), bao gồm: các Nguyên tắc, Tiêu chí, Yêu...
Country report: Vietnam, payment for environmental services
This article published in IUCN Academy of Environmental Law e-Journal Issue 2012 (1) outlines payment for environmental services (PES) the lessons learned, and relevant laws and...
The role of social forestry in climate change mitigation and adaptation in the ASEAN region
"Recognizing the important role that people living in and around forests play in forest management for poverty reduction and environmental sustainability, RECOFTC conducted a...
Revised standard joint programme document (UN REDD Vietnam)
A project outline intended to assist the Government of Vietnam in developing an effective REDD regime and to contribute to reduction of regional displacement of emissions. This...
Small-scale illegal logging in Vietnam: implications for FLEGT and REDD+
This brief summarizes village case studies that demonstrate how Vietnam’s domestic illegal logging could be curtailed. The authors argue that illegal logging will only be...
Regional synthesis of payments for environmental services (PES) in the Greater Mekong Region
This report synthesizes the country studies on payments for environmental services (PES) schemes in Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam – that were prepared for a regional...
The long road home: Analysis of regional and national processes for the return and reintegration of victims of trafficking in the Greater Mekong Sub-region
An analysis of the current process and legal and administrative structures for returning and reintegrating victims of trafficking in the Greater Mekong Sub-region. The study...
(Vietnam) The 1/4/2013 time-point population change and family planning survey, major findings
A report summarising the findings of Vietnam’s 2013 population change and family planning survey. This annual survey collects information on population; population change,...
Greater Mekong Subregion: regional investment framework implementation plan (2014-2018)
The Greater Mekong Subregion Regional Investment Framework Implementation Plan (RIF-IP), 2014-2018 identifies a robust pipeline of 92 high priority projects from among the more...
Social protection in the Mekong: policy trends and future directions
The paper analyses the current and possible future development of social protection systems in three Mekong countries: Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam. The three countries are at...
Green freight in the Greater Mekong Subregion
This brief summarises lessons learned from green freight feasibility analyses conducted under the Asian Development Bank’s Greater Mekong Subregion Core Environment Program...
Central Mekong Delta Region connectivity project: Rapid climate change threat and vulnerability assessment
A report about the Central Mekong Delta Region Connectivity Project, which aims to enhance connectivity across provinces of southern Viet Nam and Ho Chi Minh City. The project...
Infrastructure for a seamless Asia
This book addresses major challenges in developing regional infrastructure (both hard and soft) in Asia, specifically exploring the costs and benefits, financing requirements,...
Connecting Greater Mekong Subregion railways: A strategic framework
This strategic framework develops a practical approach to railway integration in the Greater Mekong Subregion, provides GMS countries with an initial framework for achieving...
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