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1.366 library_records found

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Kết quả lọc
  • ADB and the Climate Investment Funds: Climate Change Innovation and Action in Asia and the Pacific

    This document presents ADB’s experience in developing Climate Investment Funds (CIF) programs and highlights innovative transformations expected from or already achieved by ADB...

  • Defintion of Forests: A Review

    The definition of word "Forest" differs from region to region, and country to country based on the objectives of management, land use, vegetation type, composition, altitude,...

  • Mysterious Mekong: New Species Discoveries 2012-2013

    An extraordinary 367 new species were discovered in the Greater Mekong in 2012 and 2013. Among the species newly described by scientists are 290 plants, 24 fish, 21 amphibians,...

  • Forests and Forestry in the Greater Mekong Subregion to 2020

    In the 12 years since the first Asia-Pacific Forestry Sector Outlook Study was completed in 1998, the region has experienced tremendous changes in nearly every aspect. These...

  • Nghiên cứu tác động của thủy điện dòng chính lên sông Mekong - Dự thảo Báo cáo: Các phương pháp và kết quả đánh giá tác động - bản tóm tắt

    Tài liệu này là bản tóm tắt Báo cáo Đánh giá Tác động của Nghiên cứu Đồng bằng Sông Cửu Long (MDS). Có nhiều lo ngại về việc xây dựng và vận hành một hoặc tất cả các dự án đ...

  • Tài nguyên nước - thách thức và định hướng quản lý và sử dụng tài nguyên nước để phát triển bền vững ở đồng bằng sông Cửu Long

    Bài trình bày của đại diện MONRE tại hội thảo ở Cần Thơ năm 2017 với nội dung chính dưới đây: I. THỰC TRẠNG TÀI NGUYÊN NƯỚC VÙNG ĐỒNG BẰNG SÔNG CỬU LONG 1. Toàn lưu vực sông ...

  • Công bằng trong sử dụng tài nguyên nước

    Từ ngày 1-9, Nghị định số 82/2017/NĐ-CP quy định về phương pháp tính, thu tiền cấp quyền khai thác tài nguyên nước (TNN) được Thủ tướng Chính phủ ban hành chính thức có hiệu lực...

  • Swidden, Rubber and Carbon: Can REDD+ work for people and the environment in Montane Mainland Southeast Asia

    Swidden (also called shifting cultivation) has long been the dominant farming system in Montane Mainland Southeast Asia (MMSEA). Today the ecological bounty of this region is...

  • Join Statement of the tenth ASEAN Ministerial meeting on Transnational Crime (10th AMMTC)

    The statement of the ASEAN Ministers from Brunei Darussalam, the Kingdom of Cambodia, the Republic of Indonesia, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Malaysia, the Republic of...

  • Fish Migration, Dams, and Loss of Ecosystem Services in the Mekong Basin

    The past decade has seen increased international recognition of the importance of the services provided by natural ecosystems. It is unclear however whether such international...

  • goal-15-protect-restore-and-promote-sustainable-use-of-terrestrial-ecosystems-sustainably-manage-fo

    Dữ liệu này không có mô tả

  • The state of world fisheries and aquaculture 2016

    A report by L. Ababouch on The state of world fisheries and aquaculture 2016 Contributing to food security and nutrition for all, published in Rome, Italy by FAO Fisheries and...

  • The Exclusive Economic Zone: A Historical Perspective

    The concept of the exclusive economic zone is an essential element of the "package" of compromises and trade-offs that constitutes the 1982 Convention on the Law of the Sea. It...

  • Large Marine Ecosystems: Status and Trends

    Recognizing the value of large marine ecosystems (LMEs) and other transboundary water systems (open ocean, groundwater aquifers, lakes and reservoirs, and river basins), their...

  • On Gender Mainstreaming Strategies and Tools in Fisheries Development Projects: RFLP Gender Strategy and Lessons from the Asia-Pacific Region

    Traditionally, most fisheries development projects have focused on technical aspects, lacking consideration of gender issues during the identification, implementation and...

  • Progress toward the Sustainable Development Goals

    Pursuant to General Assembly resolution 70/1, the Secretary-General, in cooperation with the United Nations system, has the honor to submit the report on progress towards the...

  • SDG14 Conserve and Sustainably Use the Oceans, Seas and Marine Resources for Sustainable Development

    The text that follows provides an overview of interactions at the goal level between sdg14 – the ‘entry level goal’ for this assessment – and the other 16 sdgs. Taking into...

  • Key Factors Supporting Small-Scale Coastal Fisheries Management

    This synthesis review is part of a broader collaboration between the Rockefeller Foundation and the Foundation Center aimed at helping the Foundation and our partners build more...

  • Measuring Success: Indicators for the Regional Seas Conventions and Action Plans

    This study considers the relevance of a ‘coordinated set’ of indicators capable of comparing common regional marine ecosystem issues. The report collates information on...

  • Connecting SDG 14 with the other Sustainable Development Goals through Marine Spatial Planning

    Despite the oceans’ incontrovertible contribution to the realisation of sustainable development, the importance assigned by the Millennium Development Goals to the conservation...

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