Webpage capture on the company profile of RMKH
RMKH was established in December 2021 through Resilient Medical Pte. Ltd., a joint venture company of Medtecs Group, to expand the Group’s manufacturing capabilities and product...
Webpage capture on the news article of Hun Manet: Kingdom attracts new investors
Cambodia is emerging as one of the region’s most attractive countries for new business expansion and investments, driven by political stability and high economic growth over the...
Webpage capture on the news article of Kampot quay completed ‘Mar 30’
Construction work on the Kampot International Tourism Port is expected to be completed by March 30, a top official from the Ministry of Public Works and Transport has announced....
Webpage capture on construction of Kampot tourism port set for completion in June after many delays
The Kampot Tourism Port construction project was 93% complete by March, with the entire project expected to be completed in June 2022 after many delays. The construction project...
PPC Bank: Annual report 2020
PPC Bank has been operating in Cambodia since September 2008, having 23 branches in Phnom Penh and provincial centers.
Webpage capture on the company profile of SATHAPANA Bank Plc.
SATHAPANA Bank Plc.’s ultimate parent company is MARUHAN Corporation of Japan, founded in May 1957 by present Chairman Dr. Han Chang-Woo, and is today the leading entertainment...
Webpage capture on the company profile of ACLEDA history
With the ILO and UNDP as godparents, ACLEDA was established in January 1993, as a national NGO for micro and small enterprises development and credit by a group of founders below.
Webpage capture on the news article of CP Cambodia invests $67 mn in animal food production
Leading Asia-Pacific agro-industrial and food conglomerate CP Cambodia is investing more than $67 million in animal production, food processing and slaughterhouses in the...
Phillip Bank: Annual Report 2021
The report aims to showcase achievements and challenges of the Phillip Bank in the fiscal year 2021.
Prince Bank: Annual Report 2021
The report aims to showcase achievements and challenges of the Prince Bank in the fiscal year 2021.
Webpage capture on the news article of two more projects worth $14 million approved by CDC
Council for the Development of Cambodia (CDC) has endorsed two new investment projects with a total capital of $14 million.
Agri Bank Cambodia Branch: Annual Report 2020
The report aims to showcase achievements and challenges of the Agri Bank Cambodia Branch: in the fiscal year 2020.
Webpage capture on issuing certificates of investment registration in New Shut Yat (Cambodia) Co., Ltd and Kanjin (Cambodia) Luggage Co., Ltd
Webpage capture on issuing certificates of investment registration in the 2 projects delineates company and project name, project location, investment budget, and job creation.
Webpage capture on the company profile of Runsing Knitting International Co., Ltd
Webpage capture on the company of Runsing Knitting International Co., Ltd shows information of the company name, owner, telephone, and other relevant information.
Webpage capture on issuing certificates of investment registration of Runsing Knitting International Co., Ltd
Webpage capture on issuing certificates of investment registration in the 14 projects delineates company and project name, project location, investment budget, and job creation.
Webpage capture on the news article of projects worth millions agreed
This webpage capture delineates the company and project name, project location, investment budget, and job creation.
Webpage capture on the company profile of Oversea Cambodian Investment Corporation
Webpage capture on the company profile page of Oversea Cambodian Investment Corporation shows detailed information about their vision, mission, core values, and other relevant...
Webpage capture on the company profile of CHIP MONG RETAIL CO., LTD.
Webpage capture on the company profile page of C.P. Cambodia Co., Ltd. shows detailed information of company name, status, incorporation date, company type, jurisdiction,...
Webpage capture on the news article of Yuetai Phnom Penh Harbour
Yuetai Phnom Penh Harbour is strategically situated on a prime location in the capital, where it is set to become a one-of-a-kind and stunning riverfront landmark development...
Webpage capture on the company profile of Cambodia Airport (VINCI Airports)
Under a public-private partnership signed with the Royal Government of Cambodia in 1995, Cambodia Airports holds the concession for the development and management of Cambodia’s...
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