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480 datasets found

Chuyên đề: Foreign investors

Kết quả lọc
  • Webpage capture on the company profile of KB Financial Group

    KB Financial Group is Korea’s leading financial services provider offering broad range of financial products and services. The Group was founded in 2008 to better serve clients,...

  • Foreign Direct Investment in Thailand 2015-2024

    Dữ liệu này không có mô tả

  • Foreign Business Act B.E. 2542 (1999)

    In granting permission to foreigners for the operation of businesses under this Act, regard shall be had to advantageous and disadvantageous effects on national safety and...

  • Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand Act, B.E. 2522 (1979)

    There shall be established the industrial estate authority called the “Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand,” to be called in brief as “IEAT,” being a juristic person having...

  • Law on Investment Promotion, 2016 Amendment

    This Law defines principles, regulations and measures regarding the domestic and foreign investment promotion and administration in order to enable convenient, expeditious,...

  • Foreign Investment in Laos by Industry

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  • Foreign Investment in Laos by Country

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  • ASEAN Statistical Yearbook 2022

    The ASEAN Statistical Yearbook 2022 provides a detail overview of a wide range of statistical areas across ASEAN including population, education, health, employment,...

  • ASEAN Statistical Yearbook 2021

    The ASEAN Statistical Yearbook 2021 covers data for the period of 2011-2020 comprising of sections on ASEAN population, education, health, employment, macroeconomic performance,...

  • Survey report : Cambodia's attractiveness for EU foreign direct investment

    This report seeks to identify which factors would drive European investment into Cambodia, the priorities of the European private sector when investing in Cambodia, and the...

  • Webpage capture on Chinese Firm Gets Gold Mine Green Light

    The Chinese company Late Cheng Mining Development has been licensed to mine gold in Kampong Thom province’s Sandan district.The company will conduct the $13 million project for...

  • Webpage capture on More than $15 million collected by state from Renaissance gold mining

    The Royal Government of Cambodia has collected more than $15 million from the Renaissance gold mining business in O’Khvav area, Mondulkiri.To date, Renaissance’s gold mining...

  • Webpage capture on Siem Reap Copper Mine Shut Down

    A copper mine in Siem Reap province’s Chi Kreng district was closed down last Thursday over allegations that its parent company has been running the site with an expired...

  • Webpage capture on Cambodian officials close down Chinese-owned copper mine, arrest two workers

    Cambodian mining officials have temporarily shut down a Chinese copper-mining firm for operating in a northern province with expired government-issued licenses and arrested two...

  • Webpage capture on Chinese Mining Company to Launch Gold Production in Mondulkiri Province

    Rong Cheng Industrial Investment Co., Ltd., a Chinese-based company, is set to commence gold exploration and refining in Mondulkiri province after completing its production...

  • Webpage capture on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) page of the L.Y.P. Group Co., Ltd: summary in four years

    The webpage capture of the corporate social responsibility (CSR) for L.Y.P. Group Co., Ltd. has listed activities that relate to assisting and solving problems with local...

  • Webpage capture on the company profile of PH ECOMALL

    PH Eco Mall is an award-winning thematic shopping mall that offers a new retail experience for all. Strategically located at National Road No. 1, it is found within one of the...

  • Webpage capture on the company profile of Garden City, a few words from our chairman

    Garden City Waterpark is a new first Asia’s top entertainment filled with family lifestyle activities for all ages that captures the heart of individuals and each member located...

  • Webpage capture on the news article of Royal Group to build US$300m international airport on Koh Rong island

    The Royal Group Koh Rong Development Company, a Royal Group Co Ltd subsidiary, will build an international airport on Koh Rong which will take five years to complete. The...

  • Webpage capture on the company profile of XI-HU INTERNATIONAL HOTEL CO., LTD.

    Webpage capture on the company profile page of XI-HU INTERNATIONAL HOTEL CO., LTD.. shows detailed information of company name, status, incorporation date, company type,...

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