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322 datasets found

Chuyên đề: Climate change

Kết quả lọc
  • Quyết định Số. 419/QĐ-TTG : Phê duyệt Chương trình quốc gia về giảm phát thải khí nhà kính thông qua hạn chế mất và suy thoái rừng; bảo tồn, nâng cao trữ lượng các - bon và quản lý bền vững tài nguyên rừng đến năm 2030.

    Quyết định Số. 419/ QĐ-TTg do Thủ tướng Chính phủ ban hành nhằm phê duyệt Chương trình quốc gia về giảm phát thải khí nhà kính thông qua hạn chế mất và suy thoái rừng; bảo tồn, ...

  • Policy Briefings Phase 3: (2013-2018)

    This policy booklet provides policy recommendations on key sustainable development issues in the Mekong Region that were explored by the collaborative research projects of...

  • Climate risks, regional integration and sustainability in the Mekong Region

    This book brings together multi-country empirical case studies that explore complexities of resource management and governance in the Mekong region, including 10 collaborative...

  • Global Climate Risk Index

    The Global Climate Risk Index analyses to what extent countries have been affected by the impacts of weather-related loss events (storms, floods, heat waves etc.). Updated...

  • Khung kinh tế thủy văn để đánh giá thách thức ngành nước

    Việt Nam đang trải qua sự thay đổi ngày càng tăng về khả năng cung cấp nước tại các vùng và theo các mùa. Giảm thiểu tác động của những thay đổi đó đòi hỏi phải có sự đánh giá k...

  • REDD+ Readiness: An Introduction

    A series of slides from the UN-REDD program describing the REDD+ Readiness process

  • Who will bear the cost of REDD+? Evidence from subnational REDD+ initiatives

    While REDD+ has increasingly been accepted in United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) negotiations and regional and voluntary markets for carbon offsets,...

  • The most cost-inefficient tree-saving scheme ever: The Forest Carbon Partnership Facility

    In August 2012, the Independent Evaluation Group of the World Bank published a review of the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF). The review revealed some serious problems...

  • Overview of UN-REDD

    This is a powerpoint presentation outlining the REDD+ Readiness activities organised by the UN-REDD program.

  • The struggle over Lao PDR’s forests: New opportunities for improved forest governance?

    The forests of Lao PDR have dramatically diminished in recent decades. The main drivers of deforestation are changes in land use with forests being converted to agriculture,...

  • What is REDD+?

    Degradation and deforestation of the world’s tropical forests are cumulatively responsible for about 10% of net global carbon emissions. Therefore, tackling the destruction of...

  • Linking FLEGT and REDD+ to Improve Forest Governance

    For the past decade or so, developing countries have engaged in a variety of new international initiatives aiming at improving forest management and governance. The prevailing...

  • A landscape approach to co-designing climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies with farming communities

    Climate change adaptation; Landscape approach; Laos

  • Mitigation of GHG: Rubber based agro-forestry system for sustainable development and poverty reduction in Pakkading, Bolikhamsay Province, Lao PDR

    A project outline for a rubber plantation in Bolikhamxay province, including overview of social and environmental issues in the project area, government policies and...

  • How Land Concessions Affect Places Elsewhere: Telecoupling, Political Ecology, and Large-Scale Plantations in Southern Laos and Northeastern Cambodia

    Over the last decade considerable research has been conducted on the development and the impacts of large-scale economic land concession s for plantations in Laos and Cambodia.

  • Sustainable Development for Thailand in the Global Context

    Dr. Bantoon Setsirote, Director of the Good Governance for Social Development and the Environment Institute (GSEI), gave the following address at a training session to develop...

  • Decision On Approval of the National Action Plan on Green growth in Vietnam For the Period of 2014-2020

    This decision was issued to approve the National Action Plan on Green Growth in Vietnam (herein referred as GGAP) for the Period of 2014-2020 as outlined by the key content...

  • People's responsibility REDD plus

    People's responsibility REDD plus

  • The potential of REDD + in Lao PDR

    The potential of REDD + in Lao PDR

  • Roles and Duties of Forests in Controlling Climate Change

    Roles and Duties of Forests in Controlling Climate Change

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