Instruction no. 025 on the obligation to pay taxes on the supply of goods with additional items or rewards provided by domestic goods supply enterprises
Ministry of Economy and Finance has observed that, in the past, domestic goods supply enterprises have expanded their markets by employing promotional strategies, such as...
Instruction no. 026 on tax incentives for enterprises in the arts sector
This instruction aims to promote sustainability in the film sector and performing arts and to improve job opportunities for Khmer artists to support their livelihoods, Ministry...
Prakas no.0059 on nutrition information requirements for the labelling of pre-packaging food products
The Prakas sets out the nutrition information requirements for the labelling of pre-packaged food products to ensure that food is not circulated in the market in a fraudulent or...
Decision no.084 on formalities and procedures for calculation of pecuniary penalties on violations under law on competition
This decision sets out formalities and procedures for calculation of pecuniary penalties on violations under the Law on Competition and relevant provisions to ensure...
Law on food safety
This law establishes the frameworks and mechanisms for managing and ensuring the safety, quality, hygiene, and compliance of food at all stages of the production chain, with the...
Sub-decree no. 90 on the establishment of a committee for resolving private sector issues
The Committee for Resolving Private Sector Issues is tasked with leading, coordinating, and promoting solutions to challenges or requests on legal, technical, and other aspects...
Sub-decree No. 151on the management of the 3-Year rolling public investment program
This sub-decree determines the preparation and evaluation of the implementation of the Royal Government of Cambodia's three-year rolling public investment program.
Medium term public financial framework 2025-2027
This document outlines the formal implementation of the 2025–2027 medium-term public financial framework in accordance with the Law on the Public Financial System and as part of...
Prakas no. 119 on tax incentive for enterprises in the tourism sector
This Prakas aims to provide tax incentives to enterprises in the tourism sector, aligning with the government's intervention measures to boost tourism recovery.
Inter-Ministerial Prakas No. 316 on monetary fines under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Commerce
The inter-ministerial Prakas aims to impose monetary fines, under the authority of the Ministry of Commerce, on those who violate the Law on Commercial Rules and Commercial...
Prakas No. 066 on the establishment, organization and functioning of budget control units in ministries, institutions and similar public entities
This prakas has established budget control units located in ministries, institutions and similar public entities to monitor budget implementation.
Sub-decree No. 220 on the organization and functioning of the Digital Economy and Business Committee
This sub-decree sets out the organization and functioning of the Digital Economy and Business Committee (DEBC) to ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of on behalf of a...
Sub-Decree No. 111 on the implementation of the law on the amendment of the law on investment of the Kingdom of Cambodia
This Sub Decree is about the implementation of the Law on the Amendment of the Law on Investment. It is to add more provisions in order to improve and manage the law on...
Sub-decree No. 60 on the organization and functioning of the Council for Development of Cambodia
This sub-decree was created to set the organization and functioning of the Council for Development of Cambodia.
Executive summary on Draft Law on Financial Management 2023
The Draft Law on Financial Management 2023 is prepared in an environment that the Cambodian economy is also recovering and returning to normalcy under the wise and firm...
Sub-Decree No. 50 on customs incentives for small and medium enterprises
This sub-decree aims to set out principles for customs incentives for small and medium enterprises.
Circular on implementation of prakas on credit risk grading and impairment provisioning
The National Bank of Cambodia introduced the additional implementation information of prakas on credit risk grading and impairment provisioning aims to facilitate for bank and...
Prakas on the interest rate ceiling on loan
The purpose of this prakas is to determine the interest rate ceiling on loan for banks and financial institutions under the National Bank of Cambodia’s supervisory authority...
Prakas on external audit of banking and financial institutions
This Prakas is applicable to audit firms accredited by the National Bank of Cambodia and for the audited institutions under the supervisory authority of the National Bank of...
Prakas on the launching of the new model cheque of the National Bank of Cambodia
This Prakas aims to identify the characteristics of the new model cheque of the National Bank of Cambodia that will replace the current one. The National Bank of Cambodia (NBC)...
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