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Chuyên đề: Investment

Kết quả lọc
  • Cambodia’s special economic zones

    This study examines the role of special economic zones (SEZs) in Cambodia, and finds that the SEZs have attracted significant levels of foreign investment that would not have...

  • Trade and investment in the Greater Mekong Subregion: remaining challenges and the unfinished policy agenda

    This paper explores challenges relating to trade and investment in the GMS and identifies key elements of the unfinished policy agenda that need to be addressed. The paper is...

  • A chance in Myanmar induced by the minimum wage policy in Thailand, a case study of Myawaddy industrial area

    This paper discusses the possible effects of Thailand’s minimum wage rise on the industrial area located inside the Myanmar border. The authors compare this to the maquila...

  • Cambodia, sector-specific investment strategy and action plan: pilot study results

    Part of a series of six country pilot studies, carried out by UNCTAD in collaboration with other agencies of the inter-agency working group (IAWG) as phase two of the program of...

  • Multinationals, technology and regional linkages in Myanmar's clothing industry

    Myanmar’s clothing industry has played a pivotal role in generating employment and exports. This article explores the role of supporting institutions in the development of...

  • Staying the course: World Bank East Asia and Pacific economic update

    Economic performance and prospects of East Asian and Pacific economies. The document includes updates on recent developments, trends in growth, poverty reduction, trade flows...

  • Financial literacy around the world: Insights from the Standard and Poor's Ratings Services global financial literacy survey

    The Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services Global Financial Literacy Survey is the world’s largest, most comprehensive global measurement of financial literacy. It probes...

  • A study on upgrading industrial structure of CLMV Countries (full report)

    The aim of this study is to analyse the potential of Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam (CLMV countries) to upgrade or diversify their industrial structures by attracting more...

  • Investment climate in Myanmar: The case of the garment industry

    A research paper assessing the competitiveness of the garment industry in Myanmar. The author argues that in order for Myanmar to participate in production and distribution...

  • Travel and tourism economic impact 2015 - Laos

    A report on the economic impact of the travel and tourism sector in Laos. Data is provided on the sector's contribution to GDP and employment; exports and investment; components...

  • Stakeholder engagement in preparing investment plans for the climate investment funds: Case studies from Asia: Second edition

    Since the inception of the Climate Investment Funds (CIF), the Asian Development Bank (ADB) has participated in the preparation of 15 investment plans covering the two main CIF...

  • Bottom of ASEAN: Impact of rushed investment in “Last Frontier” countries- Burma/Myanmar, Cambodia and Laos on labour and migration

    This discussion paper analyses the impact of rushed investment on labour and migration in Myanmar/Burma, Cambodia and Laos. The paper argues that low wages and labour standards...

  • Economic overview of Cambodia

    An overview of the economy in Cambodia between 2006 and 2011. Information and tables provided on GDP composition and growth rate; gross domestic expenditure; GNI; CPI;...

  • The master plan study for promotion of the mining industry in the Kingdom of Cambodia : final report

    This report provides a road map for sustainable development and investment promotion in Cambodia's mining sector, giving due consideration to the country’s environment....

  • Doing business 2015. Going beyond efficiency

    This report is the 12th in a series of annual reports measuring the regulations that enhance business activity and those that constrain it. The report presents quantitative...

  • Submission to the US State Dept on US reporting requirements on responsible investment in Burma (Myanmar)

    A submission by the Institute for Human Rights and Business regarding the US Government’s Reporting Requirements on Responsible Investment in Burma. IHRB warmly welcomes the...

  • Dialogue, opportunities and risks in business-to-community and business-to-business relationships in Myanmar/Burma

    A report of two multi-stakeholder workshops on responsible investment in Myanmar. The first workshop focused on developing good practice in business-community relations; and key...

  • Unplugging institutional bottlenecks to restore growth

    A policy discussion paper assessing some of the key public policy challenges confronting Vietnam today. This document was written for the fourth annual Vietnam Executive...

  • Impact of the garment industry on rural livelihoods: lessons from Prey Veng garment workers and rural households

    A study exploring the impact of the garment industry on livelihoods in Prey Veng, Cambodia. The study inquires into the rise and long-term prospects of the garment industry in...

  • Myanmar in transition: Opportunities and challenges

    This report is ADB's first major assessment of Myanmar since it began political and economic reforms in 2011. It examines the country's strengths and weaknesses and highlights...

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