National Social Protection Policy Framework 2024-2035
"The National Social Protection Policy Framework 2024-2035" has been developed by updating and replacing the "National Social Protection Policy Framework 2016-2025" to further...
Revenue collection strategy of the Royal Government of Cambodia of the seventh legislature of the national assembly
This revenue collection strategy aims to strengthen revenue collection by continuing to modernize the administration and fiscal and non-fiscal policies, while balancing,...
Cybersecurity in Cambodia: Current development and challenges ahead
This article examines the key laws and legal measures adopted by the Cambodia government to assess the progress that has been made in the country on cybersecurity. While...
Research Report on Green Financing Policy Implementation in Cambodia
The study advocates six vital recommendations to facilitate the effective implementation of green financing policies. Firstly, the National Bank of Cambodia (NBC) is proposed to...
Policy Brief on Green Financing Policy Implementation in Cambodia
In this study, green financing is on the global agenda that several vital stakeholders have discussed. Promisingly, green and social finance from private sources has...
Priority policy program for agriculture
This document shows the 5th and 6th priority policies of the Royal Government of Cambodia Decided to launch to solve challenges. This policy program focuses on timely...
Pentagonal strategy-phase I for growth, employment, equity, efficiency, and sustainability: Building the foundation towards realizing the Cambodia vision 2050
Pentagonal strategy-phase I has five mottos, five strategic objectives, and five key priorities. The five mottos, namely growth, employment, equity, efficiency, and...
Political platform of the Royal Government of Cambodia of the seventh legislature of the national assembly for national building and defense 2023-2028
This “Political Platform” has set five strategic objectives, five priority policies, 18 sectoral policies, and six priority policy programs to be implemented from 2023. All of...
Cambodia skill development roadmap 2023-2035
This document aims to strengthen the quality of Cambodia's skills development to be able to meet the potential for growth now and in the future to contribute to maintaining and...
Garment and shoe development strategy for Cambodia 2022-2027
This strategy aims to determine the overall development direction, establish independence and strengthen the predictability and stability of the garment, footwear and bag...
Mid-Term Review 2021 of The National Strategic Development Plan 2019-2023 Implementation
This report shows the overall image of the Cambodian situation in all perspectives and provides recommendations for future implementation. This report focused on the rapid...
National strategic development plan 2014-2018
The National Strategic Development Plan 2014-2018 is a development framework and a road map for the implementation of Rectangular Strategy Phase III that focuses on the...
Cambodia digital economy and social policy framework (2021-2035)
The digital economy and social policy framework of Cambodia 2021-2035 sets out a long-term vision for building a vibrant digital economy and society by laying the foundations...
Cambodia’s science, technology and innovation roadmap 2030
The report of Cambodia's science, technology, and innovation roadmap (STI) 2030 states clearly targets five main pillars, including governance, education, research and...
Tourism Development Master Plan Siem Reap 2021-2035
The Tourism Development Master Plan Siem Reap 2021-2035 set out 2 basic approaches in the following: sustainable management of both tangible and intangible heritage assets with...
National Population Policy 2016-2030: continue to improve the quality of life and well-being of the people
With the focus on ensuring a comprehensive National Population Policy, taking into account the multidisciplinary relationship of population issues and development, demographic...
Cambodia: Country partnership strategy, 2019-2023
The country partnership strategy objective is to support Cambodia become competitive and ensure inclusive development, for the long term, through stronger institutions that...
Koh Kong provincial development plan (2020 - 2024)
Koh Kong development plan was issued which defined the vision, goal, purpose, indicators, and strategies bolstering the decision making in harnessing resources and other...
Monitoring the implementation of SDG 16 for peaceful, just and inclusive societies
The Sustainable Development Goal 16 recognizes the centrality of governance-informed development to ensure that societies’ aspirations for higher access and quality of public...
A Year of Growth and Consolidation: AIPP 2012 Annual Report
The year 2012 may have passed quickly, but this has been a year of significant advancement for AIPP. At the programme level, the Environment Programme has expanded to include...
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