Gender, tenure and customary practices in forest landscapes_2023
This report is based on 10 research projects carried out in 18 sites in seven countries: Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Nepal, Thailand and Viet Nam. Each study...
Streaming the establishment of community protected areas (CPAS) in Cambodia
This Policy Brief is the first in a series of three that have been compiled as input into the revision of the Protected Areas Law (2008) based on a comprehensive review of...
Case study: A glimpse into women's customary forest tenure practices in Lao PDR: Access, use, and management rights of women in customary tenure systems in Mai District, Phongsali province.
This case study will first examine village level perceptions of customary land tenure in two villages in the Mai district of Phongsali province. It will then unpack customary...
Forest crime in Cambodia: Rings of illegality in Prey Lang Wildlife Sanctuary
The first report “Forest crimes in Cambodia” explores the ways in which laws, regulations and policies designed to afford protection for Cambodian forests and the local and...
Land Tenure in Mekong Forest Landscapes: Advancing the Recognition of Customary Rights and Responsible Investment Practices
This summary report was the outcome of The 3rd Mekong Regional Land Forum that took place on 26 and 27 May 2021 and was organized by MRLG, FAO and the Land Portal. The focus of...
The context of REDD+ in Vietnam: Drivers, agents and institutions
Vietnam is acknowledged to be REDD+ pioneer country, having adopted REDD+ in 2009. This paper is an updated version of Vietnam’s REDD+ Country Profile which was first published...
Peace on the Salween
Karen indigenous people have turned a war zone into a peace park, drawing on their culture and traditional knowledge to protect their ancestral lands in Karen State, Myanmar.
Thailand’s Community Forest Act: Analysis of the legal framework and recommendations
Thailand is undergoing an important development in its forestry laws. When the Community Forest Act B.E. 2562 was passed in 2019, Thailand had for the first time an official...
The State of the World's Mangroves 2021
This publication represents a remarkable synthesis, 100 authors from around the world (over 40 locales) have come together, sharing cutting-edge science and compelling stories....
Forestry magazine No 62 on the achievement for the first half of 2020 of forestry administration
This magazine showcases the achievement of the Forestry Administration in the first semester of 2020. The content in this magazine consists of the update...
National Forest Programme 2010-2029
The goal of the National Forest Programme is to establish a policy framework and strategy for sustainable management of the country’s valuable forest resources. This document,...
Briefing: Linking FLEGT and REDD+
This briefing discusses the overlaps and opportunities for collaboration between the FLEGT and REDD+ initiatives. It identifies the six key areas in which FLEGT and REDD+ can...
Overview of VPA Processes: Opportunities and Challenges for Projects to Advance FLEGT
This presentation provides an overview of the FLEGT voluntary partnership agreement process, including the interest of different sectors and the steps involved in building...
Evaluation of the EU FLEGT Action Plan (Forest Law Enforcement Governance and Trade) 2003-2014: Final Report Volume 2 -- Annexes
This document contains the annexes to Volume 2 of the Evaluation of the EU FLEGT Action Plan. The annexes include: the terms of reference of the evaluation, the organizations...
REDD+ and Indigenous Peoples: A Briefing Paper for Policy Makers
This report describes the process of REDD+, its implications for indigenous peoples, and its applications for policy makers and governments.
REDD+ implementation in Asia and the concerns of indigenous peoples
This report provides an overview on indigenous peoples in five REDD+ countries in Asia, namely, Indonesia, Nepal, Vietnam, Laos and Thailand and the status of REDD+...
Indigenous women in REDD+ making their voice heard
Being part of indigenous communities, indigenous women share the same conditions as those of the men: they suffer from loss of land and resources due to dispossession and...
Asean, climate change, REDD+ and indigenous peoples
Many Indigenous Peoples fear that the implementation of REDD+ may have the same impacts to them as the imposition of conservation areas such as national parks.
A Training Manual on Advocacy, Lobbying and Negotiation Skills for Indigenous Peoples in Climate Change and REDD+
This manual aims to improve the existing skills of indigenous peoples on advocacy, lobbying and negotiations.
Framework for Assessing Legality of Forestry Operations, Timber Processing and Trade Annex: Myanmar
This presentation provides a framework for assessing the legality of forestry operations, including a set of principles with criterion and different indicators. The timber...
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