Myanmar Investment Guide 2023
The Myanmar Investment Guide 2023 consists of: the country profile, conducting Business in Myanmar, investment opportunities for the investors, trading, finance, and labor...
The impact of data and privacy frameworks on foreign direct investment and technology transfers in Cambodia
This paper begins with background information and summary statistics on FDI in Cambodia, followed by an assessment of the country's technical readiness for technological...
ESG, legal framework, and incentives in Cambodia
This slide presentation allows the public to explore five essential areas of focus. It begins by examining fundamental business concepts, followed by an in-depth look at ESG...
Introduction to key concepts of environmental, social and governance (ESG)
This slide presentation provides key information about the Fair Finance Cambodia (FFC) project, an introduction to sustainability and Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG)...
Sustainable information disclosure: Policies and practices in China
This slide presentation delves into the sustainable information disclosure practices and policies implemented in China. It showcases timelines detailing the implementation of...
Moving Beyond Misconceptions A critical review of Korean investment in Cambodia
Korea's growing presence and interest in Cambodia. Relations between Cambodia and Korea were normalized in 1997, more than twenty years after they broke down when the Khmer...
Public investment programme 3-year rolling 2021-2023
The 3 years rolling public investment program (PIP) with the primary objective is to present data on high priority public investment projects of the Royal Government (RGC)...
Public investment programme 3-year rolling 2022-2024
The three-year rolling public investment program 2022-2024 is based on inputs received from all ministries and institutions, including ongoing projects, operational...
Public investment programme 3-year rolling 2023-2025
The primary objective of the three-year rolling Public Investment Program (PIP) for 2023-2025 is to present data on high priority public investment projects of the Royal...
Cambodia SDG investor map
The map is created to showcase business prospects with a supportive policy environment that can have a significant influence on sustainable development.
ASEAN comprehensive investment agreement
ACIA is an ASEAN Agreement which took effect on 29 March 2012. ACIA is applicable to measures adopted or maintained by ASEAN Member States.
Update on investment law in Cambodia
Cambodia is located in Southeast Asia and it is bordered by Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, and the Gulf of Thailand, making it an ideal country for import and export operations. Amid...
OECD investment policy reviews: Cambodia 2018
This first OECD investment policy review of Cambodia looks at how improvements in the overall investment climate can contribute to promoting competitiveness, diversification and...
Dashboard Series about Cambodia
This dashboard series aim to illustrate an overview on different situations and status of Cambodia including demographic profiles, economic budget, economic and financial...
Special economic zone policy in Cambodia
The slide presentation of special economic zone policy in Cambodia indicates throughout crucial information, associating with investment environment in Cambodia, Cambodian...
Analysis of actual situation of construction industry in Cambodia
The document was conducted to research on construction sector of Cambodia in order to know about processes nowadays, growth of economical development, and some investment...
Briefing Paper on Reassessing China’s Investment Footprint in Cambodia
China’s reported global investment has been in decline since 2016. This is due to a number of factors, including regulatory changes, the economic slowdown in China and the...
Dawei Special Economic Zone
This website contains information about the old and new Dawei SEZ website and one stop services for investors looking to invest in Dawei.
CFS Principles for Responsible Investment in Agriculture and Food Systems, First Draft (For Negotiation)
This booklet is an infographic guideline summary of the draft on CFS Principles for Responsible Investment in Agriculture and Food Systems aiming to promote the provision of...
Myanmar Enterprise Survey 2014: Early Findings
The World Bank Group's Enterprise Survey in Myanmar finds that reforms of the country’s investment climate are urgent across a number of areas, especially access to finance,...
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