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Global Education Monitoring Report 2016, Education for People and Planet: Creating Sustainable Futures for All

The 2016 GEM Report is the first of a new 15-year series. It shows that education will not deliver its full potential to catapult the world forward unless participation rates dramatically improve, learning becomes a lifelong pursuit and education systems fully embrace sustainable development.

The thematic part of the GEM Report discusses the complex links between SDG 4 on education and the other 16 SDGs. It presents compelling arguments as to the types of education and learning that are vital for achieving other SDGs.

Data Resources (1)

Data Resource Preview - Global Education Monitoring Report 2016, Education for People and Planet: Creating Sustainable Futures for All

Thông tin khác

Miền Giá trị
Loại tài liệu Reports, journal articles, and research papers (including theses and dissertations)
Ngôn ngữ
  • Tiếng Anh
Chủ đề
  • Access to education
  • Development and assistance for education
  • SDG4 Quality Education
  • Sustainable Development Goals
Vùng địa lý (phạm vi không gian)
  • Brunei Darussalam
  • Campuchia
  • China
  • Christmas Island
  • Cocos (Keeling) Islands
  • Timor-Leste
  • Hong Kong
  • India
  • Indonesia
  • Japan
  • Korea (Democratic People's Republic of)
  • Korea, Republic of
  • Lao People's Democratic Republic
  • Malaysia
  • Mongolia
  • Myanmar
  • Philippines
  • Singapore
  • Sri Lanka
  • Thái Lan
  • Viet Nam
Bản quyền Yes
Hạn chế truy cập và sử dụng

This publication is available in Open Access under the Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 IGO (CC-BY-SA 3.0 IGO) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/bysa/3.0/igo/). By using the content of this publication, the users accept to be bound by the terms of use of the UNESCO Open Access Repository (http://www.unesco.org/openaccess/terms-use-ccbysa-en). The present license applies exclusively to the text content of the publication. For the use of any material not clearly identified as belonging to UNESCO, prior permission shall be requested from: publication.copyright@unesco.org or UNESCO Publishing, 7, place de Fontenoy, 75352 Paris 07 SP France.

Phiên bản/Lần xuất bản 2nd Edition, 2016
Giấy phép CC-BY-SA-3.0-IGO
Liên hệ

publication.copyright@unesco.org or UNESCO Publishing, 7, place de Fontenoy, 75352 Paris 07 SP France.

Tác giả (tổ chức) UNESCO
Số ISBN 978-92-3-100167-3
Nơi xuất bản Paris, France
Nhà xuất bản UNESCO
Ngày xuất bản 2016
Đánh số trang 596
Các từ khóa lifelong learning,envirionmental sustainability,formal education,informal education
Ngày đăng tải tháng 3 22, 2018, 08:50 (UTC)
Ngày chỉnh sửa, cập nhật tháng 3 26, 2018, 08:30 (UTC)