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5.866 datasets found

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  • Memorandum of Understanding between the Secretariat of National Committee for Sub-National Democratic Development Secretariat (NCDDS) and partners of the Implementation of Social Accountability Framework (I-SAF)

    This page gives information about the 5 non-government organizations which worked on the Implementation of Social Accountability Implementation Plan for Sub-National Democratic...

  • Inter-Ministerial Prakas No.14342 the Provision of Administrative Services at Sub-National Level

    This Inter-Ministerial Prakas was established between Ministry of Interior and Ministry of Economy and Finance, signed on 29 December 2016. Administrative service fees provided...

  • Assessing the impact of social land concession on rural livelihoods in Cambodia

    This report accessed the impact of social land concession on rural livelihoods of the concessionaires and the affected people in 6 locations of SLC from 6 provinces in Cambodia....

  • Policy on higher education vision 2030

    Cambodia Higher Education Vision 2030 will ensure comprehensive equity and access for students, efficient and smooth coordination and management of higher education, necessary...

  • Sub-Decree No. 578 on the Establishment of Preaek Pnov District and the Adjustment of Administrative Boundary between Pur SenChey and Saensokh District

    This Sub-Decree is about the establishment of Preaek Pnov District and the Adjustment of Administrative Boundary between Pur SenChey and Saensokh District.

  • Collateral Damage: Land Loss and Abuses in Cambodia's Microfinance Sector

    More than 2 million Cambodians currently have a loan with a microfinance institution, or MFI. Levels of debt have skyrocketed in recent years, leading to a number of human...

  • Cambodia Economic Update: Recent Economic Developments and Outlook 2019

    This working paper presents the recent economic developments outlook and risks in Cambodia. Also, the selected issue on investing Cambodia's future, focusing on early childhood...

  • Study on ethnic minority participation in 2012 commune election: Eight selected communes in northeast Cambodia

    This project seeks to understand what has been done in the past and what can be done in the future to promote ethnic minority rights in commune elections. In so doing, KID study...

  • Brao ethnicity: Documentation of customary rules

    Tumpuon Reung Thom village is an old Brao indigenous village located in the Rattanakiri basal highland. It is homed to 426 villagers comprising 98 Kreung ethnic families. In the...

  • Tumpoun ethnicity: Documentation of customary rules

    This documentation came forth from a concerted effort by the Access to Justice Project team consisting of MoJ and MoI with the support of the UNDP to enhance the Alternative...

  • Kreung ethnicity: Documentation of customary rules

    This documentation came forth from a concerned effort by the Access to Justice project team consisting of MoJ and with the support of the UNDP to enhance the Alternative Dispute...

  • Prakas No. 215 on the determination of conservation area of forest genetic resources of Thnong, Chreas and Sokrom

    This Prakas aims to determine the location, and protect and conserve the forest genetic resources of Thnong, Chreas and Sokrom to reach sustainability. The conservation area of...

  • Prakas on General Guideline for Developing Initial and Full Environmental Impact Assessment Reports

    This Prakas aims to provide general guideline on the development of initial Environmental Impact Assessment (IEIA) and full Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and checklists...

  • Joint statement: Alarming towards the disaster of Prey Lang

    Joint statement from member of civil society, including the Prey Lang Community Networks, diverse CSOs and citizens express their concern about the destruction of Prey Lang...

  • Impacts of climate change on rice production in Cambodia

    The purpose of the report is to provide knowledge to NGO Forum on Cambodia to support their advocacy work. The report analyzes the impacts of climate change (floods and...

  • Cambodia's Voluntary National Review of Implementation of the Sustainable Development Agenda

    The presentation on Cambodia Voluntary National Review (VNR) 2019 was prepared by Ministry of Planning, delegation of the Royal Government of Cambodia, to present at the High...

  • Brief profile of Cambodian organization working in the field of research and natural resource management

    This is a brief profile of Cambodian organisations working in the field of research and natural resource management. Those include research institutes, government institutions...

  • Fast-wood​ plantations,​ economic​ concessions​ and​ local​ livelihoods​ in​ Cambodia​

    This​ report​ presents​ the​ results​ of​ field-research​ conducted​ by​ the​ Environmental​ Forum​ Core​ Team​ between​ September​ 2004​ and​ April​ 2005​ in​ four​ economic​...

  • Mobile Phones and Internet Use in Cambodia 2016

    This study examines Cambodian phone users’ knowledge, attitudes and practices in relation to Khmer-language reading, writing, and search habits, and identifies the factors...

  • Smartphone Video Training Manual

    This manual book is produced by Development Innovations in Cambodia, using for basic video training course. This book gives the instruction of how to understand audience, create...