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5.864 datasets found

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  • Location Map on Kamchay Hydroelectric Project in Kampot Province

    Scale 1:120000

  • Profiles of 12 Proposed Mainstream Developments in the LMB

    This is a PowerPoint Presentation of SEA Team on Profiles of 12 Proposed Mainstream Developments in the LMB during the Regional Impacts Assessment Workshop in Vientiane, 2010....

  • PM Opens Kampot Hydrodam

    The Chinese-built Kamchay dam project is located in Kampot province with a large production capacity of 193.2MW and total cost of 280 million US dollars has inaugurated by...

  • Rapid Assessment of Prey Lang Forest

    This report was prepared by Aruna Technology Lt d. (“Aruna”, the Consultant) for the East-West Management Institute (EWMI) as the final output for a contract to conduct a rapid...

  • Stung Cheay Areng Hydropower Dam: Brief

    This brief summary about Stung Cheay Areng Hydropower dam by the Earthrights International​ outlines the general overview, involvement of the Chinese companies in the project,...

  • Protecting Land Rights in Ratanakiri, Cambodia

    Ratanakiri is divided into 9 districts covering 240 villages and approximately 100,000 people. Of these, 65% are minority hill tribes comprising groups such as the Jarai,...

  • Sub-decree No.62 on downsizing a total land area of 711,31 hectare in Keo Seima district, Mondulkiri province from Seima Biodiversity Protected Area and reclassification as State Private Land for granting purpose to Pnong indigenous communal ownership of 72 families and issue ownership of land parcel

    A total land area of 711,31 hectare in Keo Seima district of Mondulkiri province is downsized from Seima Biodiversity Protected Area and reclassified as "State Private Land"...

  • Lessons learnt of communal land titling for indigenous community in La In village Ratanakiri province, Northeast Cambodia

    Documentation on lessons learnt was done in order to enhance the knowledge of indigenous people and other stakeholders so they would understand the process of land titling for...

  • Remark on Indigenous ethnic minority communal land rights: policy and achievements

    In order to temporarily protect the land use rights of the indigenous ethnic minority communities, the General Secretariat of the Council for Land Policy and the MLMUPC shall...

  • The failure of land dispute resolution mechanisms

    This brief considers the current state and practice of dispute resolution mechanisms in Cambodia, which have been formed to address land disputes and conflicts. The first...

  • Resources, rights and cooperation a sourcebook on property rights and collective action for sustainable development

    This first CAPRi sourcebook is a fitting commemoration of the 15th anniversary of CAPRi. Unique among other training materials, it is based directly on the experiences and...

  • Cambodian peasant's contribution to rural development: a perspective from Kampong Thom Province

    The paper aims to identify the rationality of peasant communities and their contribution to rural development in Kampong Thom province. To do so, the authors explore the...

  • Cambodia’s special economic zones

    This study examines the role of special economic zones (SEZs) in Cambodia, and finds that the SEZs have attracted significant levels of foreign investment that would not have...

  • Stolen land and stolen future : a report of land grabbing in Cambodia

    The focus of this report is land grabbing in Cambodia. it is based on APRODEV Agencies experience from many years of development work. The report documents how affected...

  • Phnom Penh's history of displacement: Evicted communities from 1990 to 2014

    Since 1990, over 29,700 Cambodian families have been evicted or displaced from their homes in Phnom Penh. This document provides a list of evicted communities, collating...

  • The Phnom Penh survey: A study on urban poor settlements in Phnom Penh

    The report of a 2013 survey conducted to update previous research on urban poor settlements in the Phnom Penh and produce current maps of their locations. This report summarises...

  • What shall we do without our land? land grabs and resistance in rural Cambodia

    Abstract: "Political dynamics of the global land grab are exemplified in Cambodia, where at least 27 forced evictions took place in 2009, affecting 23,000 people. Evictions of...

  • Growing pains: Urbanisation and informal settlements in Cambodia's secondary cities

    This report takes a snapshot look at how urbanisation is impacting three of Cambodia's secondary cities – Sihanoukville, Battambang, and Siem Reap – and, in particular, their...

  • Eviction and resettlement in Cambodia: human costs, impacts and solutions

    The Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights in Cambodia (OHCHR) has undertaken the present study to measure the human and socio-economic costs and impacts of...

  • The compensation policies and market property price LS2 dam development project: Sesan District, Stung Treng

    This research reviews laws and policies and estimates just and fair compensation for the communities affected by the Lower Sesan 2 dam (LSS2). The research comprised desk...