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12.620 datasets found

Kết quả lọc
  • Action plan on inclusive education 2024-2028

    Action Plan on Inclusive Education 2024-2028 is developed based on the achievements of the Action Plan on Inclusive Education 2019-2023 and envisions providing quality education...

  • Action plan on inclusive education 2019-2023

    Action Plan on Inclusive Education 2019-2023 have objectives to ensure early identification, assessment, and timely interventions, to provide access to inclusive and equitable...

  • Law on Wastewater Systems

    This law regulates the management, development, construction, repair, maintenance, operation and use of wastewater systems with the aim of ensuring the efficiency, quality,...

  • [Draft] Completed Environmental and Social Impact Assessment on Koh Krabey Resort Development Project of R.P.B Investment Co., Ltd

    The specific objectives of the full environmental and social impact assessment study on the Koh Krabey Resort Development Project are: 1. Study the existing biological...

  • [Draft] Initial Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (IESIA) on Limestones construction business project of China Sui Tai Rock Factory Co., Ltd

    The main purpose of China Sui Tai Rock Factory's construction stone business project is to contribute to the sustainable development of construction stone by supplying...

  • Revenue collection strategy of the Royal Government of Cambodia of the seventh legislature of the national assembly

    This revenue collection strategy aims to strengthen revenue collection by continuing to modernize the administration and fiscal and non-fiscal policies, while balancing,...

  • Myanmar Foreign Direct Investment by sector.

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  • Registered indigenous communal land

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  • [Draft] Initial Environment and Social Impact Assessment on quarry business of Black Diamond Stone SJC Co., Ltd

    The objectives of the Initial Environment and Social Impact Assessment are - To ensure doing business in the long term with sustainability. - Explore the existing environmental...

  • [Draft] Completed Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) on the limestone business project of Kampot Cement Co., Ltd.

    The main purpose of the business and use of limestone for processing into cement of Kampot Cement Co., Ltd. is to contribute to the development of sustainable construction and...

  • Myanmar Foreign Direct Investment update by county

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  • Myanmar Companies Law

    The Myanmar Companies Law was enacted by the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw in 2017.

  • Circular no. 003 on the obligation to use e-invoicing via Cambodia E-Invoicing System, Phase 1, Step 1

    To promote the adoption of e-invoicing, the Ministry of Economy and Finance has issued a circular outlining the mandatory transition to the Cambodia E-Invoicing System. This...

  • Prakas no. 075 on the launch of Cambodia E-Invoicing System

    This Prakas aims to officially launch the Cambodia E-Invoicing System, abbreviated as CamInv, to ensure its effective, efficient, and accountable management and monitoring.

  • The Myanmar Investment Law 2016

    This is the 2016 Myanmar investment law that is designed to develop responsible investment businesses, among other things.

  • Cost of doing business in Myanmar: Survey Report

    This 3rd edition survey report provides inevitable information for the existing/potential investors to invest in Myanmar. The aim of this survey report is to increase investors...

  • Myanmar Investment Guide 2023

    The Myanmar Investment Guide 2023 consists of: the country profile, conducting Business in Myanmar, investment opportunities for the investors, trading, finance, and labor...

  • Myanmar Economic Monitor: Challenges Amid Conflict

    Economic conditions in Myanmar have deteriorated in the past six months, with the signs of recovery observed in the first half of 2023 proving to be fragile and short-lived....

  • Towards gender-equitable land policy and lawmaking in the Mekong Region

    Truly gender equitable land policies and laws require equal say for all in shaping the legislation that will affect their rights and access to land. Numerical parity among men...

  • Myanmar community forest assessment report_recoftc_2022

    Establishment of Community Forestry (CF) was started in the Ayeyarwaddy delta where mangroves mainly occur in Myanmar right after Community Forestry Instructions (CFIs) was...

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