Webpage capture on Photo Gallery of Cement Manufacturer of Battambang Conch Cement Company Limited
Ministry of Mines and Energy presents a gallery of Battambang Conch Cement Company Limited, a cement factory of the Kingdom of Cambodia, located in Daun Mai Village, Sdao...
Webpage capture on Photo Gallery of Cement Manufacturer of Chip Mong Insee Cement Corperation
The Ministry of Mines and Energy presented a series of photos of Chip Mong Insee Cement Corporation, located in Phnom Touk Meas Khang Lech, Banteay Meas District, Kampot...
Webpage capture on Photo Gallery of Cement Manufacturer of Cambodia Cement Chakrey Ting Factory Co.,LTD
The Ministry of Mines and Energy presented a series of photos of Kampuchea Chakrei Ting Cement Company, one of the five Cement Manufacturers of the Kingdom of Cambodia, located...
National Assessment Report on Mercury in Cambodia
In October 2013, Cambodia endorsed the Minamata Implementation Plan for UNEP Global Mercury, aiming to guide mercury management. However, the country lacks a dedicated...
Company Concession Profiles
This document lists the company concession profiles in Cambodia including 173 Economic Land Concessions, 73 Mining Concessions, and 22 Special Economic Zones.
Main events of Extractive Industry Projects in Cambodia
Dữ liệu này không có mô tả
Sub-decree No.299 on the adjustment of export tax rate on natural stone
This sub-decree aims to reduce the export tax rate on processed natural stone and unprocessed natural stone.
Prakas No. 453 on the introduction to the implementation of provisions on taxes on mineral resources operations
This Prakas aims to guide the implementation of provisions on taxes on mineral operations to ensure effective management of tax collection on the mining sector.
Gold Mining Industrial Licensed Companies
This document provides a summary of four companies that have acquired the gold mining industrial license in Cambodia. In the table, specify the name of the company, type of...
Exploration license statistics as of March 31, 2016
This document show the listed the exploration license statistics in Cambodia as of March 31, 2016.
Initial Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Report on Gold Mining Research and Exploitation Project in Ou Klik Khlak area, Kbal Damrei commune, Chetr Borei district, Kratie province on a total area of 2,050 hectares
This document describes the initial environmental and social impact assessment on gold mining research and exploitation project in Ou Klik Khlak area, Kbal Damrei commune, Chetr...
Cambodia Municipality and Province Investment Information
This document detail the municipality and province investment information in 24 provinces of Cambodia.
Rapid Assessment on Cambodia’s Mining Policy Framework 2015-2020
This report summarises the assessment of the mining law and policies of the Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME), and the ministry’s institutional capacity to implement the Mining...
Initial Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Report on Gold Mining Research and Exploitation Project in Phnom Daek area, Romtum commune, Rovieng district, Preah Vihear province on a total area of 100 hectares
DELCOM (KAMPUCHEA) PTE. LTD, a Cambodian-Chinese owned company, has conducted the initial environmental and social impact assessment on gold mining research and exploitation...
Prakas No. 618 on the organization and functioning of the Industrial Laboratory Center of Cambodia
This Prakas describes the roles and responsibilities of the Industrial Laboratory Center of Cambodia under the General Department of Industry of the Ministry of Industry, Mines...
Sub-decree No.576 on the organization and functioning of Ministry of Mines and Energy
The sub-decree aims to determine the functioning of the Ministry of Mines and Energy, such as: organizing the mission and structure of the Ministry of Mines and Energy,...
Joint Prakas No.1452 on provision of incentive for Ministry of Mines and Energy and Ministry of Economy and Finance
This Prakas aims to provide incentives to the Ministry of Mines and Energy and the Ministry of Economy and Finance to support officials in charge and other officials on public...
Circular No.001 on the suspension and revocation of mineral licenses
This circular aims to inform all companies and businesspersons about the suspension or revocation of licenses issued under the conditions of Exploration or Exploitation...
Current situation of mining industry in Cambodia
This report show the current situation of mining industry in Cambodia from General Department of Mineral Resources of Cambodia published n 2013.
Company Search: (Cambodia) Mining Development Co. Ltd.
These screenshot documents are about information of (Cambodia) Mining Development Co. Ltd registered in the Ministry of Commerce. The information posted on the ministry's...
You can also access this registry using the Giao diện lập trình ứng dụng (see Văn bản API).