Đi thẳng đến nội dung

12.453 datasets found

Kết quả lọc
  • Opportunities, risks and growing inequality: The Charoen Pokphand Group and maize smallholder production in Shan State, Myanmar

    A case study commissioned and published by Land Core Group and conducted by Kevin Woods on the risks, opportunities and inequalities presented by contract farming and...

  • Agreement on the cooperation for the sustainable development of the Mekong River Basin 5 April 1995

    An agreement by the country members of Mekong River Commission on the cooperation for the sustainable development of Mekong River Basin agreed by the MRC members done in Chiang...

  • Mekong River Commission Strategic Plan 2016-2020

    The Mekong River Commission (MRC)'s strategic plan 2016-2020, published by the MRC in Cambodia, March 2016.

  • Integrated water resources management-based basin development strategy 2016-2020 for the Lower Mekong Basin

    A report jointly updated by country members of Mekong River Commission (MRC) on integrated water resources management-based basin development strategy 2016-2020 for the Lower...

  • Vegetation Health Index

    The satellite-based global VH System is designed to monitor, diagnose and predict long- and short-term land environmental conditions and climate-dependent socioeconomic...

  • Impacts of climate change and development on Mekong flow regimes: First assessment – 2009

    A research paper on the impacts of climate change and development on Mekong River flow regimes, published in 2011 by Mekong River Commission. Edited by Robin Taylor and Hanne...

  • Prakas No. 828 on Authorization Jupiter International Resources (Cambodia) Co., Ltd to Explore Mines in O Yadav, Ratanakiri

    Prakas is to approve the Jupiter International Resources (Cambodia) Co., Ltd located in house number 777 E0, Kampuchea Krom, Phnom Penh to explore the mineral resources in...

  • Decision No. 15 on Establishment of the Inter-Ministerial Working Group for Inspection on the Precious Stone Site at Phnom Trob Areas in Pailin

    Royal Government of Cambodia decided to establish the Inter-Ministerial Working Group for the inspection on the feasibility study sites of the precious tone at Phnom Trob Areas...

  • Groundwater for irrigation in Cambodia

    A discussion paper by Robyn Johnston, Michael Roberts, Thuon Try and Sanjiv de Silva on groundwater for irrigation in Cambodia, published by International Water Management...

  • Groundwater in the Mekong region – transboundary aquifers

    A presentation by Felix Seebacher on groundwater and trans-boundary aquifers in the Mekong region, published by the Mekong River Commission Secretariat's Information and...

  • Current status and issues of groundwater in the Mekong river basin

    A report by Kyoochul Ha, Nguyen Thi Minh Ngoc, Eunhee Lee and Ramasamy Jayakumar on current status and issues related to groundwater in the Mekong River basin, published in...

  • Risks and adaptation to climate change in BCI pilot sites in PRC, Thailand and Vietnam

    A report by the Asian Development Bank on risks and adaptation to climate change in BCI pilot sites in PRC, Thailand and Vietnam, edited by Frank Murray, May Ajero, Gianina...

  • Aqua Monitor Surface Water Gain (1985-2016)

    The Deltares Aqua Monitor is an open tool that detects land and water conversions globally, during the last 30 years at 30m resolution. Results of the Aqua Monitor only show...

  • Thủy điện Thác Ba

    Thủy điện Thác Ba có công suất 0.3 MW được xây dựng tại xã H'Neng, xã Đăk Đoa, tỉnh Gia Lai.

  • Thủy điện Hồ Núi Cốc

    Thủy điện Hồ Núi Cốc có công suất 1.89 MW được xây dựng tại xã Phúc Trìu, Thành phố Thái Nguyên.

  • Thủy điện PleiKrông

    Thủy điện PleiKrông có công suất 100MW, được xây dựng trên địa bàn các xã Sa Bình, Kroong, huyện Sa Thầy, tỉnh Kon Tum.

  • Thủy điện Trà Xom

    Thủy điện Trà Xom có công suất 20MW, được xây dựng trên địa bàn các xã Vĩnh Sơn, Vĩnh Hảo, huyện Vĩnh Thạnh và Tuy Phong, tỉnh Bình Định.

  • Thủy điện Vĩnh Sơn

    Thủy điện Vĩnh Sơn có công suất 66 MW được xây dựng tại xã Vĩnh Sơn, huyện Vĩnh Thạnh, tỉnh Bình Định.

  • Thủy điện Vĩnh Sơn 5

    Thủy điện Vĩnh Sơn 5 có công suất 28MW, được xây dựng trên địa bàn xã Vĩnh Kim, huyện Vĩnh Thạnh, tỉnh Bình Định.

  • Thủy điện Sông Pha

    Thủy điện Sông Pha có công suất 7,5MW, được xây dựng trên địa bàn xã Ninh Sơn, huyện Ninh Thuận, tỉnh Lâm Đồng.

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