Policy Brief on Open Data and Disability Inclusion
The policy brief aims to pinpoint key challenges and recommendations needed to leverage disability-inclusion data for successful outcomes.
Final report of Cambodia inter-censal population survey 2024
The primary objective of the 2024 Inter-Censal Survey in the kingdom of Cambodia (CIPS 2024) is to meet the needs of the Royal Government and other relevant institutions. Users...
E-Commerce in Cambodia 2024
These comprehensive slides were prepared by PROFITENCE (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. to provide an overview of Cambodia’s e-commerce landscape in 2024, highlighting key challenges,...
Strengthening digital skills for small and medium enterprises in Cambodia
This guidebook is an essential resource for SMEs across various sectors, helping them enhance business management through digital marketing. It provides insights on developing...
AI Tools for Workplace for Efficiency
This e-book provides valuable insights into various AI tools designed to enhance workplace efficiency, helping businesses save time, reduce costs, and achieve professional...
A Guide to Doing Business in Cambodia
These comprehensive presentation slides were prepared to provide guidance on doing business in Cambodia, covering the requirements and process for business registration, key...
Start a Startup: A Guide for Cambodia’s Future Founders
The “Start a Startup: A Guide for Cambodia’s Future Founders” is a guidance aimed to provide essential knowledge for those who are interested in learning more about startups and...
The Path to Success: How Women-Owned Businesses Transform in the Era of Digitalization
This case study, titled “The Path to Success: How Women-Owned Businesses Transform in the Era of Digitalization,” was jointly prepared by Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) and...
Highlights from Open Data Day 2024 and National Open Data Conference 2024
Both events demonstrated a strong commitment to diversity and inclusivity, successfully integrating perspectives from various groups and sectors into the core discussions.
Agreement and relevant documents for Bit Trang flooded forest protection community fishery
This document details the agreement regarding the establishment of the Bit Trang flooded forest protection community fishery, the list of community members, community statutes,...
Thailand’s Land Bridge: Navigating Geopolitical and Investor Concerns
• Thailand’s land bridge project aims to establish a vital trade route between the Andaman Sea and the Gulf of Thailand, offering an alternative to the congested Malacca Strait....
Tài liệu hóa tri thức bản địa bởi phụ nữ dân tộc thiểu số
Tài liệu này được xây dựng dựa trên kinh nghiệm thực tế của chị em thuộc hai Câu lạc bộ (CLB) " Phụ nữ kể chuyện" tại xã Hạnh Sơn, thị xã Nghĩa Lộ, tỉnh yên Bái và tại xã Nghĩa ...
Guidebook on digital literacy and digital citizenship
The guidebook is divided into two parts. Part one describes a girl's story about her journey using the internet, and part two of the book includes educational content and...
Cambodian child online protection guidelines for the digital technology industry
This guideline aims to encourage the industry to take preemptive and effective actions to ensure that their products and services are safe for young users in Cambodia, with...
A feminist participatory action research study of breaking the silence
This research seeks to break the silence surrounding sexual consent, particularly in a culture where women are pressured to remain virgins until marriage and are frequently...
Video tutorial on data literacy training
This video series presents 11 lessons and introduction to data literacy organized by the Open Development Cambodia Organization (ODC) to provide video tutorials on data literacy...
National Social Protection Policy Framework 2024-2035
"The National Social Protection Policy Framework 2024-2035" has been developed by updating and replacing the "National Social Protection Policy Framework 2016-2025" to further...
Decolonizing Emerging Technology: An Intersectional Feminist Approach to Resisting Technology-Facilitated Oppression
Emerging technologies are exacerbating gender-based violence (GBV), disinformation, and environmental dispossession, disproportionately affecting womxn, LGBTQ+ individuals, and...
Using Smart Phone for data collection: Kobo Toolbox (in Khmer)
The video tutorials on the Kobo Toolbox data collection in the Khmer language were produced by Open Development Cambodia (ODC) in 2019. The purpose of making these videos is to...
Guidebook on the application process for permits or electronic commercial licenses on the information technology platform
This guidebook on the application process for permits or electronic commercial licenses on the information technology platform aims to provide general information related to...
You can also access this registry using the Giao diện lập trình ứng dụng (see Văn bản API).