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114 library_records found

Chuyên đề: Environment and natural resources policy and administration Search Result For: library_record

Kết quả lọc
  • Recognition of customary tenure in the forest landscapes of the Mekong region (policy brief)

    The policy brief, one of four briefs on the agrarian transition in the Mekong region, explores initiatives and pathways forward to recognise customary tenure arrangements and...

  • Circular strategy on environment 2023-2028

    The circular strategy on environment was developed in accordance with the political program of the Royal Government, the 7th legislature of the National Assembly, and the...

  • Legal analysis of forest and land laws in Cambodia

    From the foreword: "A major goal of CFI's mission in Cambodia is to support the involvement of civil society in the management of forests. Rural communities have a special role...

  • National environment strategy and action plan 2016-2023

    From the beginning of the fifth mandate of the National Assembly, the Royal Government of Cambodia has launched the Rectangular Strategy Phase III and National Strategic...

  • Leaflet training on promoting revenue collection and managing environmental and social funds

    The purpose of this training is to disseminate the relevant legal documents on environmental and social funds, encourage development companies to provide environmental and...

  • U4: Corruption and water governance in the Mekong River Basin

    The Mekong River Basin is shared between six countries and displays remarkable and globally relevant cultural and biological diversity. Its natural resources are largely...

  • Review, comments and recommendations on the Draft Environment and Natural Resources Code (Version 11) of Cambodia

    This discussion note aims to review, comments and recommendations on the Draft Environment and Natural Resources Code (Version 11) of Cambodia.

  • Watered down: How big hydropower companies adhere to social and environmental policies and best practices?

    This document is designed to address the issue of how major hydropower companies adhere to social and environmental policies and best practices, citing case studies of seven...

  • Cambodia Forest Cover (2018)

    The forest in Cambodia is playing important roles in ensuring environmental stability, mitigation climate change, contributing to national economic development and poverty...

  • Cambodia Forest Cover (2016)

    The forest in Cambodia is playing important roles in ensuring environmental stability, mitigation climate change, contributing to national economic development and poverty...

  • National Strategic Plan on Green Growth 2013-2030

    The​ National​ Strategic​ Plan​ is​ to​ promote​ a​ the​ sustainable​ long-term​ economic,​ social​ and​ environmental​ development​ of​ the​ country.​ Focus​ areas​ are:​ 1)​...

  • The FLEGT Asia Regional Support Programme: EU Support for Improved Forest Governance in Asia

    This publication presents the progress, achievements and some examples of initiatives where the EU is working closely with partners across Asia. FLEGT Asia complemented other...

  • Myanmar Business Environment Index: COVID-19 Impact on Businesses

    Apart from direct health impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, the crisis and measures to combat it have hit the economy hard. In Myanmar, as part of the Myanmar Business Environment...

  • Vai trò của Luật tục và Tập quán trong quản lý, sử dụng tài nguyên rừng và nước

    Nghiên cứu về luật tục trong quản lý, sử dụng tài nguyên rừng và tài nguyên nước của dân tộc Thái (nhóm Thái Đen) được tiến hành tại xã Mường Phăng, thành phố Điện Biên Phủ, tỉn...

  • Chính sách môi trường của Việt Nam giữa ngã ba đường - Những cánh đồng lúa mặn, những công viên quốc gia bị săn đuổi và những bãi biển bị ăn mòn - và những gì chúng ta có thể làm

    Việt Nam đạt được sự phát triển kinh tế xã hội nhanh chóng trong những thập kỷ qua, giúp hàng triệu người thoát khỏi đói nghèo. Tuy nhiên, sự phát triển trong tương lai của đất ...

  • The Guide on Resource Revenue Transparency

    This Guide on Resource Revenue Transparency applies the principles of the Code of Good Practices on Fiscal Transparency to the unique set of transparency problems faced by...

  • Beneficial Ownership: Tackling Hidden Company Ownership Through Myanmar's EITI Process

    This paper focuses on a new and ground-breaking provision of EITI: a requirement for the identities of the real owners – the ‘beneficial owners’ – of extractive industry...

  • Sharing the Wealth: A Roadmap for Distributing Myanmar’s Natural Resource Revenues

    This discussion paper outlines options available under the current legal structure to help the new leadership fulfill its commitment to decentralize natural resource revenues....

  • Inle Lake, Long Term Restoration & Conservation Plan

    The Plan is based on adoption of a “Community Based Approach” to resource management, with the realization that no Plan or Project involving communities can succeed if the...

  • Natural Resources and Sub - national Governments in Myanmar: Key considerations for wealth sharing

    The research presented in this discussion paper provides an overview of the current role of subnational government in natural resource management andrevenue collection in...

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