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28 library_records found

Chuyên đề: Access to education and health care Search Result For: library_record

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  • Videos on health center services

    Dữ liệu này không có mô tả

  • List​ of​ health​ facilities​ signed​ the​ agreement​ for​ heath​ care​ with​ the​ National​ Social​ Security​ Fund​ (NSSF)

    List​ of​ health​ facilities​ signed​ the​ agreement​ for​ heath​ care​ with​ the​ National​ Social​ Security​ Fund​ (NSSF)​ retrieved​ from​ website​ of​ National​ Social​...

  • UNICEF Humanitarian Action for Children: Myanmar Appeal_2023

    UNICEF’s Humanitarian Action for Children appeal helps support the agency’s work as it provides conflict- and disaster-affected children with access to water, sanitation,...

  • National Policy on School Health

    This policy aims to contribute to improving quality of education and giving learners and educational personnel access to good health and welfare services to become human...

  • Sustaining Cambodia’s development miracle - what next?

    Cambodia has travelled a long distance on its development journey – (growth, human development, poverty reduction, gender equity, healthcare, and education). But the distance...


    A gender analysis is a systematic process used to identify, understand, and describe gender differences and the relevance of gender roles, responsibilities, rights,...

  • Myanmar Annual Hospital Statistics Reports

    This report is intended to provide information regarding reporting status of the public and private hospitals, availability and utilization of hospital services, performance of...

  • Myanmar Health Statistics 2010

    This publication attempts to provide, in a simple and user-friendly way, the most sought-after health and health related information to a wide-ranging array of audience, both...

  • Achieving Health Equity in Contested Areas of Southeast Myanmar

    This research report discusses issues around health equity and healthcare provision in Myanmar’s contested regions. The report provides an overview of existing health service...

  • MDG Country Progress Snapshot: Myanmar

    The MDG Country Progress Snapshot provides an overview of the progress achieved at country level since 1990 towards the Millennium Development Goals. The snapshot is intended...

  • The World Bank in Lao PDR: Overview

    The webpage provides an overview of the state of social development in Lao PDR.

  • Ethnic group development plan for health governance and nutrition development project

    The Ethnic Group Development Plan (EGDP) provides a strategy and a programmatic approach to enhance the inclusion of different ethnic groups in the Health Services Improvement...

  • Lao PDR: Health Sector Governance Program

    The proposed Health Sector Governance Program will be implemented nationally with the overarching goal to increase access, quality, and utilization of essential health services,...

  • Five-Year Strategic Plan for Health Information System in Myanmar (2011-2015)

    The Health Information System Strategic Plan (2011-2015) is the first strategic plan for Health Information System in Myanmar. Before that all activities conducted for...

  • ASEAN Statistical Report on Millennium Development Goals 2017

    The adoption of the Joint Declaration on the Attainment of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) at the 14th ASEAN Summit in 2009 signi ed the ASEAN Leaders’ commitment to end...

  • A Health Impact Assessment Framework for Special Economic Zones in the Greater Mekong Subregion 1 / 55

    Across the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS), there are over 500 special economic zones (SEZs) and industrial zones. Many have been strategically located along or near the GMS...

  • Local public services performance and unofficial fees

    The study focused on three specific public services provided at the commune level: the Commune office, primary schooling and health center services. These three local services...

  • Training Manual for HIV / AIDS Prevention and Career Removal Training in the Road and Communities affected in August 2012

    Training Manual for HIV / AIDS Prevention and Career Removal Training in the Road and Communities affected in August 2012

  • Millenium Development Goals indicators: Country snapshots

    These snapshots provide an overview of the progress achieved since 1990 on the Millennium Development Goals at the country level. Progress is assessed on the basis of data...

  • Report of the ASEAN Regional Assessment of MDG Achievement and Post-2015 Development Priorities

    The UNDP and the ASEAN Secretariat’s work that resulted in this “ASEAN Regional Assessment of MDG Achievement and Post-2015 Development Priorities” demonstrates the ASEAN...

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