The impact of data and privacy frameworks on foreign direct investment and technology transfers in Cambodia
This paper begins with background information and summary statistics on FDI in Cambodia, followed by an assessment of the country's technical readiness for technological...
Myanmar Country Profile and Context: Working draft 2022
This document provides a general overview of Myanmar including the geographic profile, administrative set up, population, socio-economic situation, climatic condition, and...
Panel Discussion 1 on "Evolving Concepts of ESG, Legislation, and Incentives in Cambodia" at the Multi-stakeholder Dialogue on ESG Reporting for Sustainable Development in Cambodia
This video is the panel discussion 1 on the topic: "Evolving Concepts of ESG, Legislation, and Incentives in Cambodia" at the Multi-stakeholder Dialogue on ESG Reporting for...
ESG, legal framework, and incentives in Cambodia
This slide presentation allows the public to explore five essential areas of focus. It begins by examining fundamental business concepts, followed by an in-depth look at ESG...
Panel Discussion 2 on "From ESG Theory and Reporting to Practical Implementation and Impact" at the Multi-stakeholder Dialogue on ESG Reporting for Sustainable Development in Cambodia
This video is the panel discussion 2 on "From ESG Theory and Reporting to Practical Implementation and Impact" at the Multi-stakeholder Dialogue on ESG Reporting for Sustainable...
ESG: Global and Cambodia's context
This slide presentation covers the principle of ESG, which stands for environmental, social, and governance, and encompasses a set of criteria utilized to assess an...
Towards gender-equitable land policy and lawmaking in the Mekong Region
Truly gender equitable land policies and laws require equal say for all in shaping the legislation that will affect their rights and access to land. Numerical parity among men...
Technical Report on Mondul Kiri Provincial Spatial Plan (2020 – 2040)
The Provincial Spatial Plan aims to determine the future spatial structure of the province and assigns specific functions to different areas of the province. The spatial...
Presentation: Sector Development Strategy and Accounting and Auditing Professionals in Cambodia 2023-2032
This is the presentation containing key information on how the sector development strategy has been designed, including the background, timeline, updated status, strategic plan...
Draft law on financial management for 2024
The draft financial law for management 2024 aims to support the implementation of the first phase of the Royal Government's political program and the pentagon strategy.
Legal notes on labor inspection for associations and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)
Labor inspection is the performance of legal obligations by companies, factories, enterprises, establishments and is not subject to penalties in accordance with the law. The...
Legal notes on the implementation of social security regulations on pensions for associations and non-governmental organizations (NGOs)
This legal note interprets the legal obligations of associations and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) regarding the Social Security system for pensions by explaining the...
Legal notes on tax registration obligations for associations or non-profit organizations and NGOs
This legal note explains the registration obligations for associations and non-governmental organizations, the registration of business activities, tax declaration obligations,...
Legal notes on accounting and auditing obligations for associations or non-profit organizations and NGOs
This legal note interprets the Law on Accounting and Auditing for non-profit entities or associations and non-profit organizations, while advising nonprofits on the...
Information series on public service of Ministry of Mines and Energy 2016
The Information Series on Public Service of the Ministry of Mines and Energy is a collection of materials produced by the ministry in 2016. It provides relevant information on...
A brief guide to information on extractive industry revenue management in Cambodia
This guide aims to provide a collective picture of the availability of the information on Extractive Industry (EI) revenue management and therefore serve as a useful resource...
Legal compliance: Tax Obligation for NGOs and Associations
This slide presentation is prepared the assisting the civil society organization (CSO) in better understanding tax obligations.
Legal compliance: Law on Associations and Non-governmental Organizations (LANGO)
This slide presentation is prepared the assisting the civil society organization (CSO) in better understanding Law on Associations and Non-governmental Organizations (LANGO)...
Legal compliance: Labor Law
This slide presentation is prepared the assisting the civil society organization (CSO) in getting a better understanding of Labor Law and ensuring their operation complies with...
Cambodia: Immediately withdraw draft Law on Associations and Non-Governmental Organizations (LANGO)
Forty international non-governmental organisations and membership organizations call on the government of Cambodia to immediately withdraw the draft Law on Associations and...
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