Đi thẳng đến nội dung

Indigenous Peoples’ Rights and Business in Myanmar

This paper on ‘Indigenous Peoples’ Rights and Business in Myanmar’ is part of a Briefing Paper series from the Myanmar Centre for Responsible Business (MCRB). Indigenous peoples are present throughout the country, particularly in conflict‐affected areas. The briefing sets out the local and international context for indigenous peoples, including a short analysis of applicable international standards and domestic laws. It also describes the current policy, legal and political economy landscape concerning indigenous peoples in Myanmar. The paper gives guidance on how to apply relevant international standards on indigenous people to Myanmar. It is not intended as a substitute for legal advice.

Data Resources (2)

Data Resource Preview - Indigenous Peoples’ Rights and Business in Myanmar: briefing paper_2016_En

Thông tin khác

Miền Giá trị
Loại tài liệu Reports, journal articles, and research papers (including theses and dissertations)
Ngôn ngữ
  • Tiếng Anh
Tên rút gọn (tên thay thế/dạng viết khác) Indigenous
Chủ đề
  • Ethnic minorities and indigenous people
  • Ethnic minorities and indigenous people policy and rights
Vùng địa lý (phạm vi không gian)
  • Myanmar
Bản quyền Yes
Hạn chế truy cập và sử dụng

All rights reserved. MCRB, IHRB and DIHR permit free reproduction of extracts from this publication provided that due acknowledgment is given and a copy of the publication carrying the extract is sent to the headquarter addresses below. Requests for permission to reproduce and translate the publication should be addressed to MCRB, IHRB and DIHR.

Phiên bản/Lần xuất bản n/a
Giấy phép

No license given

Liên hệ

Myanmar Centre for Responsible Business 15 Shan Yeiktha Street Sanchaung, Yangon, Myanmar info@myanmar‐ responsiblebusiness.org www.mcrb.org.mm

Đồng tác giả (tổ chức) Myanmar Centre for Responsible Business (MCRB), Institute for Human Rights and Business (IHRB), and Danish Institute for Human Rights (DIHR)
Nhà xuất bản Myanmar Centre for Responsible Business (MCRB), Institute for Human Rights and Business (IHRB), and Danish Institute for Human Rights (DIHR)
Ngày xuất bản 2016
Đánh số trang 32
Chú ý

This article was originally published here by the MCRB, IHRB and DIHR via online link: https://www.myanmar-responsiblebusiness.org/resources/indigenous-peoples-rights-and-business-in-myanmar.html

Các từ khóa Indigenous Rights,Indigneous People,Business
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