Minerals Act, B.E. 2560 (2017)
The State has the duty to undertake mineral management with a view to achieving optimal benefits of the nation and the people in a sustainable manner, having regard to the...
[Draft] Completed Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) on the limestone business project of Kampot Cement Co., Ltd.
The main purpose of the business and use of limestone for processing into cement of Kampot Cement Co., Ltd. is to contribute to the development of sustainable construction and...
Myanmar Climate Change Policy 2019
The purpose of this Policy is to provide long term direction and guidance to: (a) Take and promote climate change action on adaptation and mitigation in Myanmar; (b) Integrate...
Recognition of customary tenure in the forest landscapes of the Mekong region (policy brief)
The policy brief, one of four briefs on the agrarian transition in the Mekong region, explores initiatives and pathways forward to recognise customary tenure arrangements and...
Royal Kram no. 0623/007 on environment and natural resources code
This code sets out the rules to be followed and practiced in strengthening, modernizing, harmonizing and improving the management of environmental protection, conservation and...
Law on Natural Protected Areas
This law defines the framework of management, conservation and development of protected areas. The objectives of this law are to ensure the management, conservation of...
Circular strategy on environment 2023-2028
The circular strategy on environment was developed in accordance with the political program of the Royal Government, the 7th legislature of the National Assembly, and the...
Legal analysis of forest and land laws in Cambodia
From the foreword: "A major goal of CFI's mission in Cambodia is to support the involvement of civil society in the management of forests. Rural communities have a special role...
National environment strategy and action plan 2016-2023
From the beginning of the fifth mandate of the National Assembly, the Royal Government of Cambodia has launched the Rectangular Strategy Phase III and National Strategic...
Sub-decree no. 146 on the determination of sustainable use area on 85.72 hectares (eighty five hectares and seventy two Are) in Preah Suramarit-Kosamak "Kirirom" National Park, Traeng Trayueng commune, Phnum Sruoch district, Kampong Speu province
This sub-decree shows the determination of sustainably used of area on 85.72 hectares (eighty five hectares and seventy two Are) in Preah Suramarit-Kosamak "Kirirom" National...
Sub-Decree No. 103 on the amendment of Article 4, Article 9, Article 11, Article 12, Article 17 and table of Annex 2, Annex 3, Annex 4 and Annex 5 of Sub-Decree No. 27 dated April 6, 1999 on water pollution control
Sub-Decree No. 103 on the amendment of Article 4, Article 9, Article 11, Article 12, Article 17 and table of Annex 2, Annex 3, Annex 4 and Annex 5 of Sub-Decree No. 27 dated...
Prakas No. 053 on the establishment and launching on the use of logo of natural heritage sites
Prakas No. 053 on the establishment and launching on the use of logo of natural heritage sites shows the logo attached in the appendix.
Prakas No. 377 on the establishment and launching on the use of logo of protected area
Prakas No. 377 on the establishment and launching on the use of logo of protected area shows that the form of the protected area type sign is determined by the external form as...
Leaflet training on promoting revenue collection and managing environmental and social funds
The purpose of this training is to disseminate the relevant legal documents on environmental and social funds, encourage development companies to provide environmental and...
Decree No.389 on Environmental Impact Assessment
This decree divides into 12 sessions and consists of 82 articles. It defines the principles, regulations and procedures regarding the management and monitoring of environmental...
U4: Corruption and water governance in the Mekong River Basin
The Mekong River Basin is shared between six countries and displays remarkable and globally relevant cultural and biological diversity. Its natural resources are largely...
Decision No. 40 on the establishment of a working group responsible for reviewing and advising on the provisions of the draft Law on Fisheries, draft Law on Forestry and draft Law on Protected Areas
This decision aims to establish a working group responsible for reviewing and advising on the provisions of the draft Law on Fisheries, draft Law on Forestry and draft Law on...
Sub-decree No.228 on the establishment of Boeung Karde multiple use area
This sub-decree shows the establishment of Boeung Karde multiple-use areas with an area of 1,643 (one thousand six hundred and forty-three) hectares in the geographical...
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