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12.416 datasets found

Kết quả lọc
  • Human Trafficking Snapshot: Lao PDR

    This Human Trafficking Snapshot was developed to provide background for practitioners who want to conduct counter trafficking activities in Lao Peoples Democratic Republic (Lao...

  • Broken promises shattered dreams a profile of child trafficking in the Lao PDR

    This study, which profiles the phenomena of child trafficking, provides insight into the underlying factors and causes of trafficking. It identifies trafficking routes and...

  • Global Monitoring Status of Action Against Sexual Exploitation of Children: Lao PDR

    The publication provides information on national plans of action and policies on the protection of children. It also discusses prevention and protection approaches, specifically...

  • The Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children in Lao PDR

    This study on the commercial sexual exploitation of children in Lao PDR was commissioned through a joint collaboration between the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, UNICEF...

  • Voluntarism and Regional Integration: ASEANs 20 Years of Cooperation on Human Trafficking

    What does ASEANs twenty-year cooperation on human trafficking say about regional integration? This paper assesses ASEANs capacity to solve the regions long-lasting human...

  • Human Trafficking in Southeast Asia: Uncovering the Dynamics of State Commitment and Compliance

    In Part I of this Article, Renshaw explains some of the current theories about how and why states come to adopt human rights norms and then translates these norms into laws and...

  • Five-Year Strategic Plan for Health Information System in Myanmar (2011-2015)

    The Health Information System Strategic Plan (2011-2015) is the first strategic plan for Health Information System in Myanmar. Before that all activities conducted for...

  • Customary Land Management and Legal Frameworks: Experiences from Around the World

    This purpose of this paper is to present a brief summary of the issues and current situations facing ethnic and indigenous communities around the world that are using a...

  • Exploration License No. 1100 on Authorizing ZTakry Mining Joint Stock Ltd to Conduct Metallic Ores Exploration

    This license authorizes ZTakry Mining Joint Stock Ltd, address house number 9B, Street 338, Sangkat Toul Svay Prey 1, Khan Chamka Morn, Phnom Penh, to conduct metallic ores...

  • Sub-decree No. 93 on the classification of state public land for the construction of a 400 MW power plant with a port for oil and gas tankers, electric utility, and oil and gas station in Koh Reah Krom village, Koh Reah commune, Lvea Em district Kandal province

    About 43 hectares of land for the construction of a 400 MW power plant with a port for oil and gas tankers, electric utility, and oil and gas station in Koh Reah Krom village,...

  • Briefing Paper on Research on Agricultural Investments

    Agricultural investments are crucial to improve productivity and to raise the incomes and food security. Investments by small-holder farmers themselves are the main source of...

  • The Farmland Law

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  • Mortality rate, infant (per 1,000 live births)

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  • Mortality rate, under-5 (per 1,000 live births)

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  • Myanmar Country Environmental Analysis: Forest Resources Sector Report

    This report analyzes the underlying challenges, builds on international best practice, and makes recommendations on the forest sector in Myanmar.

  • Notification No. 024 on the opening of mining​ concession​ areas for applying for​ mineral exploration​ licenses

    Ministry of Mines and Energy issued a notification on the opening of mining​ concession​ areas​ for​ domestic​ and​ foreign​ mineral​ companies​ to​ apply​ for​ a​ mineral...

  • Progress Towards the Sustainable Development Goals: 2019

    The present report on progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals is submitted in response to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (General Assembly resolution 70/1)

  • ASEAN Statistical Report on Millennium Development Goals 2017

    The adoption of the Joint Declaration on the Attainment of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) at the 14th ASEAN Summit in 2009 signi ed the ASEAN Leaders’ commitment to end...

  • Noncommunicable Diseases (NCD) Country Profiles 2018 Myanmar

    The country profile provides a snapshot of the current situation regarding non-communicable diseases in Myanmar. It shows current estimates, risk factors to develop...

  • Joint external evaluation of IHR Core Capacities of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar

    The International Health Regulations (IHR) (2005) provide obligations and rights for States Parties. In some States Parties, implementation of the IHR (2005) may require new or...

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