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12.430 datasets found

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  • Measurement to Assess the Effectiveness of System-level and SDG Investing

    The report examines how investors can chart a course to assess system-level issues (like those contained in the SDGs) appropriate for their specific situation, and then...

  • Tổng quan ngành vệ sinh môi trường (WASH) Việt Nam

     Tỷ lệ tiếp cận nước sạch và vệ sinh ở Việt Nam tốt hơn các nước láng giềng, tuy nhiên với 87 triệu người Việt Nam là quốc gia đông dân thứ 13 trên thế giới vàvẫn còn số lượng...

  • Việt Nam; Hành động (rà phá) bom mìn

    Việt Nam không phải là quốc gia thành viên và cũng không ký kết Hiệp ước cấm bom mìn năm 1997 và Công ước về Bom, đạn chùm năm 2008. Bài báo liệt kê một số đề xuất hành động về ...

  • USAid - Hồ sơ quốc gia -Việt Nam: quyền sở hữu và quản lý tài nguyên

    Báo cáo này phác thảo các quyền về đất đai và sở hữu đất tại Việt Nam. Các vấn đề chính có thể có lợi từ can thiệp tác động từ các nhà tài trợ là hỗ trợ các quyền về đất đai của...

  • Tailoring Sustainable Development Goals into National Policies

    This is a presentation delivered by H.E Paris Chuop, PhD: Deputy Secretary-General, National Council for Sustainable Development, Ministry of Environment, Cambodia at the CLMV...

  • The Government-Donor Coordination Committee (GDCC) and Technical Working Groups (TWGs) in Cambodia: A Review

    Since December 2004, the TWG-GDCC mechanism has proceeded largely on a "learning by doing" basis. Over the past 18 months, some TWGs are perceived to have functioned well, some...

  • Achieving Cambodia's Millennium Development Goals

    As part of an effort to strengthen the focus of the United Nations on achieving Millennium Development Goals (MDG) in general and the Cambodian MDG (CMDG) in particular, this...

  • Thailand - Country Profile (Biodiversity)

    Threats to biodiversity in Thailand include illegal hunting, crop and forest burning, livestock overgrazing, forest clearance/illegal logging, destructive fishing practices,...

  • The Law on Complaints

    Pursuant to the 1992 Constitution of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, which was amended and supplemented under Resolution No. 51/2001 / QH10, the Congress issued the Law on...

  • Thailand Millennium Development Goals Report 2009

    This report shows that Thailand has met several MDGs targets, i.e. poverty and hunger, universal primary education, gender equality, fight against HIV/AIDS, access to clean...

  • Activities of Consultancy, Judgment and Social Expertise by Vietnam Union of Scientific and Technical Assocations

    This decision is in order to bring into full play the role and responsibility and exploit the intellectual potentials and contribution of Vietnam Union of Scientific and...

  • Law on Vietnam Fatherland Front

    In order to enhance the role of Vietnam Fatherland Front in the cause of national renewal, contribute to exercising the socialist democracy, consolidate the cohesive...

  • Taking Stock: An Update on Vietnam's Recent Economic Developments

    A broad-based recovery in global economic activity has been taking hold since late 2016. Despite some moderation in economic activity in the first half of 2017, Vietnam’s...

  • Analysis of Water Availability and Water Productivity in Irrigated Agriculture

    During the past 20 years, Thailand witnessed droughts of varying intensity which put pressure on farming activities. Since the water scarcity problem has placed agricultural...

  • Recent estimate of sea-level rise in the Gulf of Thailand

    The annual local mean sea level (MSL) at 13 tide gauge stations bordering the Gulf of Thailand in Thai waters was used to investigate the apparent sea-level rise over the last...

  • Thailand - Country Profile

    Biodiversity Facts: Status and trends of biodiversity, including benefits from biodiversity and ecosystem services. The content of this biodiversity profile is still draft. The...

  • Sustainable organic agriculture: Opportunity for Thai-rural farmer development

    This paper analysed the opportunities of rural farmers in north Thailand and factors influencing their incomes. Between January 2012 and October 2012 the author interviewed 124...

  • Simulating the impact of future land use and climate change on soil erosion and deposition in the Mae Nam Nan sub-catchment, Thailand

    This paper evaluates the possible impacts of climate change and land use change and its combined effects on erosion and deposition in the Mae Nam Nan sub-catchment, Thailand....

  • The hidden cost: human rights abuses in Thailand’s shrimp industry

    Document human trafficking and other forms of labour exploitation, including child labor in the Thai shrimp industry. The authors discuss the role of migrant workers in the...

  • Master Plan for Integrated Biodiversity Management

    The Master Plan for Integrated Biodiversity Management B.E. 2558-2564 (2015-2021) is the principal biological diversity plan of Thailand, developed in compliance with Article 6...

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