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12.429 datasets found

Kết quả lọc
  • The World's Cities in 2016: Data Booklet

    This data booklet highlights current and future trajectories of populations in cities around the globe, drawing on population estimates and projections published in World...

  • Urban Development in the Greater Mekong Subregion

    This publication on urban development in the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS)—a first of its kind—reflects recognition of the greater potential roles of urban development,...

  • Agriculture strategy 2025

    This research on the voices of an upland people, a look into the Taoy community and participatory development in Southern Laos, was conducted in the fulfillment of the...

  • Women in the Workforce: An Unmet Potential in Asia and the Pacific

    This report shows that the low labor force participation of women is intimately related to how they allocate time between market and nonmarket activities. Indeed, in deciding...

  • Making SDGs Work for Climate Change Hotspots

    The impacts of climate change on people's livelihoods have been widely documented. It is expected that climate and environmental change will hamper poverty reduction, or even...

  • Joint Statement of the Implementation of Sustainable Consumption and Production in ASEAN

    Statement of the Ministers of Environment of the ASEAN member countries on implementing sustainable consumption and production.

  • ABC of SCP: Clarifying Concepts on Sustainable Consumption and Production

    This publication “ABC of SCP” aims to clarify the main terms and concepts related to sustainable consumption and production, and other terms associated with sustainable...

  • National report of Thailand. Review of administrative decisions of government by the Administrative Court of Thailand, report to the 10th Congress of IASAJ

    This report provides an overview of the scope of the jurisdictional competence of the Administrative Court of Thailand with the emphasis on its power to review the...

  • Bamboo fabric: A study of using thick bamboo fiber for producing and developing Thai textiles

    This research investigates the use of bamboo fibre in Thai textile production. The authors explore the industry's background, current situation and challenges, and investigate...

  • Rubber tree distribution mapping in northeast Thailand

    An article presenting the results of rubber tree growth mapping in northeast Thailand using Landsat 5 TM data. A Mahalanobis typicality method was used to identify different age...

  • Use of GIS tools for environmental conflict resolution at Map Ta Phut industrial zone in Thailand

    This paper presents an analysis of an environmental conflict that arose in a Thai industrial zone. The authors analyse state policies to resolve the conflict, and draw lessons...

  • The criminal justice system and community-based treatment of offenders in Thailand

    Responsibility for the administration of criminal law in Thailand is shared by several governmental organizations (including the police, the courts and the correctional...

  • Borderlines: Vietnam's booming furniture industry and timber smuggling in the Mekong Region

    This report contains new information from field investigations carried out by the Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA)and its partner Telapak. It exposes how the rapid...

  • Phụ nữ và các mục tiêu phát triển bền vững - Việt Nam hướng tới bình đẳng giới năm 2030

    Ấn phẩm này là sự đóng góp của Cơ quan Phụ nữ LHQ cho tổ chức LHQ tại Việt Nam. Báo cáo soi chiếu 17 mục tiêu phát triển bền vững dưới góc độ giới và chỉ ra sự bất bình đẳng giớ...

  • Hoang mạc hóa ở Việt Nam và biến đổi khí hậu

    Báo cáo đề cập đến thực trạng, nguyên nhân của thoái hóa đất và hoang mạc hóa; các giải pháp sống chung với hạn hán và hoang mạc hóa; tiến trình thoái hoá đất và hoang mạc hoá t...

  • Hệ thống quản lý tài nguyên nước ở Campuchia, Lào và Việt Nam

    Đây là báo cáo của dự án Mekong 4 về quản lý nước: Chương trình Thách thức về Nước và Thực phẩm Mê Công. Báo cáo đã tìm hiểu những thách thức và điểm yếu chính trong việc th...

  • Thailand Wetlands

    The coastal wetlands in Khao Sam Roi Yot National Park face many pressures, including conversion to aquaculture and plantations.This region includes the wetlands on the...

  • Monitoring and Evaluation for NSDP Implementation System (MENI) Orientation Guidelines

    The Royal Government of Cambodia has prepared a National Strategic Development Plan (NSDP) 2014-2018 under the leadership of the Ministry of Planning (MOP) and the collaboration...

  • Critical factors affecting the desertification in Pa Deng, adjoining area of Kaeng Krachan National Park, Thailand

    The aim of this study is to discuss and analyze key factors that affect the desertification in Pa Deng Sub-district, Thailand, in order to assess the desertification risk of the...

  • Measurement to Assess the Effectiveness of System-level and SDG Investing

    The report examines how investors can chart a course to assess system-level issues (like those contained in the SDGs) appropriate for their specific situation, and then...

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